The Bimmer is donezo, and I want to cry. (Pics PG. 5)

speedped79, it’s not where you think it happend. it’s up the road a little bit.

i didn’t cut him off. there are 2 lights, at the second light, if i were to go straight instead of turn, i would have been cutting him off. i went, and he followed me, riding my ass. it’s not my fault i had to turn on the road a couple blocks up. i always use my turning signal way before my turn. there’s no way he couldn’t have avoided me unless his brakes failed, which i doubt it. or he was drunk, which they didn’t even check. and then the mother fucker drove off. and he didn’t even the own the truck he was driving. and, when he came back, he was still yelling about how he was going to beat our asses. and he was laughing.

if i wasn’t in so much pain, i’d go to the cocksuckers house right now and beat him up.

oh, and the insurance company declared it totaled. so i’m out a vehicle til they decide to give me a check.