The Bimmer is donezo, and I want to cry. (Pics PG. 5)


again, he may have just been nuts and or stupid… but i’ve never seen anyone brutally bash into someone’s car on purpose.


Thats just like saying you’ve never seen anyone pull a gun on someone and shoot them. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.


People are crazy, some just snap for the smallest things.



the biggest tragedy in this thread is the blatant disregard for the English language, apparent in the staggering use of “glad your OK,not hurt, safe, etc.”


the biggest tragedy in this thread is the blatant disregard for the English language, apparent in the staggering use of “glad your OK,not hurt, safe, etc.”


You don’t know what your talking about.

Glad I said you are :smiley:


the biggest tragedy in this thread is the blatant disregard for the English language, apparent in the staggering use of “glad your OK,not hurt, safe, etc.”


speedped79, it’s not where you think it happend. it’s up the road a little bit.

i didn’t cut him off. there are 2 lights, at the second light, if i were to go straight instead of turn, i would have been cutting him off. i went, and he followed me, riding my ass. it’s not my fault i had to turn on the road a couple blocks up. i always use my turning signal way before my turn. there’s no way he couldn’t have avoided me unless his brakes failed, which i doubt it. or he was drunk, which they didn’t even check. and then the mother fucker drove off. and he didn’t even the own the truck he was driving. and, when he came back, he was still yelling about how he was going to beat our asses. and he was laughing.

if i wasn’t in so much pain, i’d go to the cocksuckers house right now and beat him up.

oh, and the insurance company declared it totaled. so i’m out a vehicle til they decide to give me a check.


if i wasn’t in so much pain, i’d go to the cocksuckers house right now and beat him up.

oh, and the insurance company declared it totaled. so i’m out a vehicle til they decide to give me a check.


taking everything he owns away from him > beating him up…

and if/when you pursue this legally, you can also go after him to compensate for the daily hassles, such as finding rides…or, you can just stop going to work altogether, and he can write your paychecks…lose your job, and go after him for what you make per week X 52 weeks in a year X the 20 years you could have potentially have worked there…

is stupid theories like that a lawyer will come up with for you…stop posting up bitching about the accident and the pain, and start posting new “what should i buy” threads…

Exactly. For once lets see the legal system pwn someone who actually deserves it.

Less posting, more lawyers.

so where exactly did this happen at?

the fact that you arent in the hospital getting checked out means that you don’t really care and you don’t want shit other than the insurance money from your car. The faster you act on this kind of stuff the better off you are of getting the most out of the accident. You need to also let your insurance comapny know that he took off, they have lawyers that can ruin his day if you don’t want to.

if he got a hit and run, then his insurance pays for your car, no?

well, ok, regardless of what happened… thanks for partaking in the road rage and making all of our insurance rates stay where they are. :slight_smile:

seriously, hope you’re ok, but you’re not in the hospital, so i bet you’re bullshitting like so many other people try to. money, money, YEAH YEAH!

sorry to hear that dawn :tdown: he’ll get his… don’t worry :slight_smile:

atleast you and your passenger are ok for the most part

so why havent you gone to the hospital yet???

you people must not be able to read. IN MY FIRST POST, I STATED THAT I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. i went to the hospital right after the accident. and i went back again today. i just got home.

i’m not in it for the money. all i want is my car back.

Well now you can get a better car back

Cough my 2.5rs cough :slight_smile:

a hit and run is a felony, am i right? or is that just when you hit a person not in a vehicle.


a hit and run is a felony, am i right? or is that just when you hit a person not in a vehicle.


If you hit a pedestrian yes. Its considered vehicular assault, a friend of mine got charged with it.

sounds like another horrible girl driver by the looks of it. anyway good thing your safe and can you better explain how this happened? how fast was he going and were you at a dead stop or just slowing down around a turn?.. i was hit in my audi last october on the way to class on the 90 before the cleveland drive exit… i stopped for traffic and the person behind me didnt. i got 1300 in repairs and it was 4000 in repairs to fix the grand prix… german saftey> american safety all fucking day long