The Bimmer is donezo, and I want to cry. (Pics PG. 5)


my 2.5rs


you said BETTER :lolham:


you people must not be able to read. IN MY FIRST POST, I STATED THAT I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. i went to the hospital right after the accident. and i went back again today. i just got home.

i’m not in it for the money. all i want is my car back.


i am sorry for your loss.

and glad your ok.

the cool thing is you get the Full retail replacement price for your car.

screw these sue happy retards on here. they like paying high insurance premiums.

find a new ride take it to the guys court date. and thank him in front of the cops at court for the new car.

no offense but can we get some pics of the car?


screw these sue happy retards on here.


The only reason this isn’t that big of a deal is because Dawn wasn’t hit by an 18 wheeler.

If this happened to your gf/wife/bf/mom/grandma, I doubt you’d contest the idea of suing.

Sucks that it happened, glad you’ll be okay.

As for they legal system, you won’t get shit out of it as far as assault goes. All he really did [to an extent that can be proven] is follow you too close and leave the scene. So whether he wanted to hit you or was just following too close to piss you off or because he is just a bad driver I don’t know and neither does the court. Now if he was your ex husband and sent you emails about running you off the road that would be different.

Now since it was still his fault, you still have a good civil case but I wouldn’t expect any luck from a criminal prosecution perspective.


so why havent you gone to the hospital yet???


yeah, i was giving you the benefit of the doubt on a possible edit in her first post on pg1, but sheeeit


no offense but can we get some pics of the car?


Guaranteed all 4 doors still close squarely with a good german thunk no matter how bad it was.

Just have your boyfrind in Charlotte give you one of his balla cars.


Guaranteed all 4 doors still close squarely with a good german thunk no matter how bad it was.


it IS a bimmer :wink:


Guaranteed all 4 doors still close squarely with a good german thunk no matter how bad it was.


truth. everything is perfect except for the front and rear end. all doors work properly. to tell you the truth, i’d rather get it fixed, but since it’s a 10 year old car, the insurance company declared it totaled.

i don’t have any pictures because i have no way of getting to the place that the car is at, but i think my mom took some shots this morning. i’ll put 'em up when i get them.

also, from the looks of things, and in talking to the person who followed him after he ran, it seems that he’s known to the cops and might be a friend. fucking douche bag. also, there was a cooler in the bed of the truck and when he came back, it wasn’t there. it’s a really fishy situation.


Just have your boyfrind in Charlotte give you one of his balla cars.


Yea, he has enough of them… Im sure he can afford it…


truth. everything is perfect except for the front and rear end. all doors work properly. to tell you the truth, i’d rather get it fixed, but since it’s a 10 year old car, the insurance company declared it totaled.

i don’t have any pictures because i have no way of getting to the place that the car is at, but i think my mom took some shots this morning. i’ll put 'em up when i get them.

also, from the looks of things, and in talking to the person who followed him after he ran, it seems that he’s known to the cops and might be a friend. fucking douche bag. also, there was a cooler in the bed of the truck and when he came back, it wasn’t there. it’s a really fishy situation.


Oh, that old situation. Years ago my dad was hit head on on rt20 near West Herr Ford. Some guy in a F-250 with a plow bar went to make a left from the dealer, and cut across 3 lanes of traffic. He hit my dad’s Jetta on the passenger side front. He somehow escaped a ticket, and my dad got one because his skid marks went over the center line. The 4-year old car was totalled. The guy was belligerent and the cops told him he better just shut up. (possibly drunk, who knows).They then told my dad to walk across the intersection to make his phone call home, while he was complaining of chest pains. The guy who hit him was the son of a town cop, go figure. Cops never do anything wrong, and they always protect their own.

Soooo anyway, sorry about your car Dawn. Glad you are OK at least. Like everyone said, go get yourself checked out ASAP. Who knows what could come back to haunt you down the road, so it’s best to protect your best interest. Plus, even the possibility of a suit should make his insurance company more willing to adaquately compensate you for your car at least.

Ok. I’ll be the first person to say it then. If your passenger would of kept there mouth shut, and not escaleded things, you would all be fine. Plus I bet you opened your mouth also.

Sue this fucker and get him off the streets

I swear half of this board needs reading comprehension skills.


i’m not in it for the money. all i want is my car back.



i am sorry for your loss.
screw these sue happy retards on here. they like paying high insurance premiums.

find a new ride take it to the guys court date. and thank him in front of the cops at court for the new car.


-1 to both. Let me think how effective “thanking him in front of that cops at court for the new car” would be to the guy :picard:. First off she wouldn’t get a new car, just a car for the same value. Second, if this guy got off easy from the start (see posts about minimal tickets, no Breathalyzer given at the scene, no arrest made) then all you have accomplished is making this seem like a normal accident :bloated:. It’s not about being money hungry or a sue happy retard. It’s not like she is going to have this elaborate lineup of doctors to lie and provide fake assessments. She should just walk in, say her story and whatever she gets awarded, end it at that. Now if she rejected the offer then she would be money hungry, but just letting his insurance rates go up is a joke.


-1 to both. Let me think how effective “thanking him in front of that cops at court for the new car” would be to the guy :picard:. First off she wouldn’t get a new car, just a car for the same value. Second, if this guy got off easy from the start (see posts about minimal tickets, no Breathalyzer given at the scene, no arrest made) then all you have accomplished is making this seem like a normal accident :bloated:. It’s not about being money hungry or a sue happy retard. It’s not like she is going to have this elaborate lineup of doctors to lie and provide fake assessments. She should just walk in, say her story and whatever she gets awarded, end it at that. Now if she rejected the offer then she would be money hungry, but just letting his insurance rates go up is a joke.


+1 I’d be in it for the money, your hurting and w/o a car. The guy did a huge dick move and should have to pay for it. You deserve money for this.

Take him to court to prove a point and take the money as a bonus. It is totally bullshit what this guy did. What if he followed you to your house and ran you over when you got out of your car, would you only sue to cover your medical bills? No, he needs to be punished.

If the car is not in that bad of shape and the frame is still straight, buy the car back from the ins. company and that the check to fix it. It will be a salvage title but you’ll get your car back probably better than it was when you got it (i.e. new paint, trim, etc…)


It will be a salvage title, it’ll never drive the same, but you’ll get your car back with new paint and trim, ooooo shiny!


Fixed :hang:


Fixed :hang:


I thought it was the greatest vehicle ever created because it was a BMW… It’s the Chuck Norris of cars…