I thought it was the greatest vehicle ever created because it was a BMW… It’s the Chuck Norris of cars…
BMWs tears can cure cancer? Too bad BMWs have never cried…EVER
I thought it was the greatest vehicle ever created because it was a BMW… It’s the Chuck Norris of cars…
BMWs tears can cure cancer? Too bad BMWs have never cried…EVER
yeah, i was giving you the benefit of the doubt on a possible edit in her first post on pg1, but sheeeit
I think it was edited cause I definitely didnt see it the first time I read it. If not, then :bloated: on me.
No, it wasn’t an edit. It was there. So :bloated: on you.
we’ve established this, now post up the part where you get compensated & the dude gets raped by a polar bear
she will get face value for the car that is all. this guy will pay 200 bills for fines at most. and for a law suite, I hope you don’t win if you sue!
she will get face value for the car that is all. this guy will pay 200 bills for fines at most. and for a law suite, I hope you don’t win if you sue!
next time you get into an accident i hope someone breaks your back and gets away scott free!
fucking dick.
glad ur alright, and if ya need a shoulder to cry on bout the bimmer, holla, lol.
glad ur alright, and if ya need a dick to ride on bout the bimmer, holla, lol.
[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:41,topic:34544"”]
Ya know, sex is really good right after you almost die… let me tell you!
glad ur alright, and if ya need a shoulder to cry on bout the bimmer, holla, lol.
Amazing to see some people take the opportunity when it presents itself.
Amazing to see some people take the opportunity when it presents itself.
hence what i posted right above yours. LOL
she will get face value for the car that is all. this guy will pay 200 bills for fines at most. and for a law suite, I hope you don’t win if you sue!
The guy must be an acquaintance of yours. It would explain the similarities in the severe retardation that is present in both.
BMWs tears can cure cancer? Too bad BMWs have never cried…EVER
not even for de Jooz??
edit. im sure das BMW’s cried a bit when they were told they cant make airplanes anymore.
on another note. everyones actions have concequences. something obviously was said or done to get this retard pissed off enough to hit dawns car.
8 years ago. a 84 year old woman went through 2 lanes of traffic and a red light, Tboning my truck right behind my driver side door. i ended up on my roof. with my first truck sitting on top of my snowmobile while at college. My knee was fucked up from getting twisted under the dash from the flip. and i was stuck at college 200 miles from home with no vehicle. SHit happens. take the check for the car and get a replacement.
edit. im sure das BMW’s cried a bit when they were told they cant make airplanes anymore.
Amazing to see some people take the opportunity when it presents itself.
Douche deserves to lose all his possessions for being such a hothead.
If it was a Toyota, I woulda thought it was the same guy as in the “I make the payments” thread.
Damn, sorry to see that. Good think you are ok!
that car was sooooo nice…
I’m just going to tell myself that I’ll get something nicer.
^staying with BMW?