The Bimmer is donezo, and I want to cry. (Pics PG. 5)

Hurt in a car? Call William Mattar!

You can’t lose with this one.

Your back should keep on hurting.


wow! I always wonder what would happen when someone tailgates me, if they actually hit me. Good thing that person followed dude and got his info

shitty situation, glad you’re ok!!

WOW… what a asshole… Ive had some people i would like to have buy me a new rear bumper :wink: but, dam… he went all out…

Good to know youre all good…

Glad your ok…your passenger shouldn’t have said anything and maybe this wouldn’t have happened. Grant it, it shouldn’t have gone down either way but feeding the fire of someone on an ego trip with a bigger weapon is never a good idea.


Glad you didn’t get hurt, like that guy was trying to do to you. Shitty as it is, nothing will come of this. Sure he should have at least been charged with assault, but when there’s nothing to accomplish but retribution and/or teaching someone a lesson the legal system isn’t exactly quick to act. I’d get checked out, make sure you aren’t going to have any medical bills, and as long as everything’s kosher just move on.

I’m sure the karma sniper’s got this faggot in his cross hairs anyhow. Things really do tend to have a way of coming full circle.

Sounds like you had your car insured properly?

Thats sucks.At least you got his info though.It should all work out in your favor

Eh, it’s already been hit.

Glad you’re alright and glad someone chased him down for you.

it was me, and i got out of the tickets too.

Didnt we do a “would you nail Dawnzie?” thread already? :picard:

damn, didn’t you got the car like a month ago?

Wow, that one pissed me off for some reason…

get the court date info, show up and talk to the prosocuter and let him know he cant just get a parking ticket and plea out. you can press charges of assult and do alot of things with this. belive me the lawyer and court headache would go away nicley with a settlement above 20k


was it at the v by southpark and southside? im guessing so by the description, thatsux but you have to watch it if your in the wrong lane people will cut u off and people are assholes, what time was this at?

Yikes. That’s too bad, that was a nice car. People suck that way.

Fucking Buffalo cops. Anywhere else the guy would have been arrested, but I’m sure those lazy fucks just didn’t want to deal with the paperwork. They were probably late for an interview with the Buffalo News to cry about how they aren’t getting a raise. /rant

Sorry about the car but at least you’re ok. Talk to a lawyer, one who’s actually seen the inside of a courtroom (aka, not Willy “I always settle out of court” Mattar) and see about going after this guy. When criminal court lets you down there’s always civil court. :slight_smile:

Oh, I’d defenetly go down and say that you want to press charges for more than a ticket; if you have witnesses that will say what happened he’s screwed; agrivated assult with a vehicle, Road Rage (HUGE deal now with road rage cases), plus a nice lawsuit from you for personal property damage and pain and etc…

I’d be OWNING him in court.

He could be charged with assault if the story goes.