i had t1000s. they were the purple ones. haha.
I ran Araya Super7Xs for a long time. I have Sun Big Citys on my FBM right now…last set of black rims I’ll ever one.
I have a Dr1ve v-type in the rear, which is similar in shape to those old t-1000’s but wider and super light. Those old t-1000’s pretty much sold solely because of the BMXPlus magazine putting them on the bike of the year every fucking year. They were junk, and most of people that rode them realized that shortly after buying them
bam new owner of jamis komodo thanks steve dyingwish
I completely forgot to see if it came in anything other than that color, although I love that color.
no i dont think it does website dosnt list any other color
rip off front brake…move to single gear up front…swap the pedals to dk’s ha found like 5 sets the other day
humm wonder if my casket stem will fit on the bike…
Awesome, Spangs.
I bought the wife a Jamis a few years ago. I don’t know the model. It’s a super solid bike, and it was a good price.
find out the model…wifie wants one…now
Pedals are not issue, but the stem might…most agressive MTB’s went to a larger 1 inch OD clamp area on the bars, BMX still uses the 7/8 that they always have…but bring it tonight and we’ll try it. Another company to look at for crank sets is FullSpeedAhead…take a look at this selection. FSA makes strong shit for less than RaceFace / Cooks Bros / Shimano and are slightly better than TruVativ…
sweet… i want a strong crankset…
these damn websites dont have any prices
Spangler, I think it’s a Jamis Durango. Suspension forks and rigid rear. AL frame. It’s perfect for her. She’s never going to break anything. She yells at me for doing sit down wheelies on it. It’s the only time a tire is off of the ground.
sweet…im gonna have her look at some…i tried setting up her dads older gt bike…buts its way to big for her…so im gonna be looking at getting a bike for her…
got the jamis komodo the other day man is this a nice whip…shifts nice rides nice…feels strong not sure if i like the angle of the stem but well see…
these front suspension forks are goofy as hell
Glad you like it…and I told you about the forks…bar-rides FTL!
haha…see what you can do about the rear caliper…it def is ass…
and what do i got to do to remove the 2nd chainring…so i can ditch the front brake and shifter…
it allready annoys me…hahah
i say we take a day and go hit seven springs downhill…
came across these old/shitty pics with the purple t-1000s gleaming in the sun, so i figured id post it up. this is back in the '97. thats my 96 P61 powerlite…complete with bucket hat, Ghostface Killa style. just jumps i had in the woods next to my house, to play around on. i always had fun there.

Whoa, I spot some bow-legged turnbars! Lol good pics!
haha. Old pics rule.
nice turnbar for the win…
lol. fun times