Pussy sprocket:zzz:
sweet. im back w/ a new rig and ready to go (in theory)
is there anyone else with a bike so sleeper can criticise it?:weak:
Damn sailor, bringing back some memories (I’ll omit the Chimpler stuff). Everyone knows me as Mullett (yes that’s actually my name). Off the top of my head I remember sessioning Roman’s one day (it was cold and snowing) Bennett showed up and was pretty geeked about a mini in the basement, dropped in with wet tires and faceplanted immediately. Steve/Chris Romans’ parents were nice as hell letting us come in there all time, even long after they stopped riding. Too many days/nights spent at the trails Push, Graveyard, 819, Wes’s trails in Blairsville, Empire, roadtrips to Chenga, Shimerville, Posh, OakPark to even remember.
I’m 27 now and still riding, never once took more than 2wks off the BMX. Getting pretty bummed being out-shredded by 15yr olds though. It brings a tear to my eye thinking of all the shit I’ve been through on my bike, all the people I’ve met, and knowing that as I age my body tells me my days are numbered. We gotta have all the Pittsburgh scene riders get together and get hosed and reminisce.
I’m bringing this thread back from the dead…munster-EK advised me to bring it back. You know cause real men do it with 20inchers…
This is a pic of a friend from last February. I don’t have any other pics of anything at the moment. I need this weather to break, I want to go riding.

I didn’t know people still paid attention to him?
<<<<PUSH local>u
haha. true. sick pic by the way.
Not to be a dick man but GT’s seriously suck. Don’t be raggin on me casue u have no clue…
Trails :op:
i’m new to pa lets ride!
Eh? We might have met down the path b4, we used to ride at the trails all day or dig then head to town for some street riding every day n night. Hell i still have my oversized holmes that i rode traqls,street n raced nationals with:bowrofl: and still was number 2 at the lowest point national in my class,i love that frame. Still have the newer pushforks as well and super pros.old school FTW!
not really. just cause they are ‘mainstream’ and youre all hardcore trails guy. congrats but obviously i’m not real big into street / trails (sometimes though) i just wanted a good chromo frame that i could go to the track with and occasionally jump. back when i rode alot, i owned 4 different Powerlites (1 P38, P61’s and a XL alum…made by GT) and i thought they were great. so ya, i do have a clue.
Heart4audio: I assume you’re in Carnegie? If so, I’m about 2 miles from you, and we got three cement parks (two more breaking ground in March), two indoor parks, and several sets of trails to hit. Lemme know when you get riding, I go a couple of time a week. I’ll show you where it’s at.
dyingwish… for sure in carnegie and i want to ride again. ate shit pretty hard last year, so i’m a little reserved as to how far i’m gonna go. but damnit i wanna ride
Anyone know of any of the locals at the trails in Natrona Heights? Decent trails but I don’t want to just barge in not knowing anyone or their thoughts on outsiders.
Funny you mentioned the Blairsville trails. There were those giant holes there that had like 6" of green scum on the water. hahaha.
Wait, are you in the Johnstown that’s like an hour and a half away? Isn’t there any trails closer to you than Natrona Heights :bowrofl:
Yeah, no shit…remember the lower “section” those damn things were always so water-logged, we’d hanging up so hard the phone company would shudder. What ever happened to Chris Decker, Jeremy and those guys.