The cars that nyspeeders hate the most

I HATE MUSTANGS AND CAMAROS (f-bods in general) only a few are fast, and every driver thinks there car is the fastest thing on the planet

there are quite a few awful cars out there, I’m not going to attempt listing them.


i fucking hate ferraris


i can’t resist… WHY?

I never dislike a Ferrari, just the arrogant asshole with too much money and no respect for the horsepower/handling characteristics that crashes it because he has no clue what he is doing that is driving them

I should say the 1980’s were a bad time for Ferrari simply because it was the 80’s, it was a bad time for everything and everyone

Harley’s. Well, I know they aren’t cars and it isn’t the bikes I hate. It is the fucking assholes who put straight pipes on them and then feel compelled to constantly rev them up pointlessly at stoplights, disturbing people for absolutely no good reason. I mean, a GD Top Fueler or F1 car can idle w/o contantly opening and closing the throttle. So, the only reason I can assume they do it is to annoy people and say “look at me, I am an asshole”.



I hate sports cars that think a busy street is a racetrack.

Wow, the list is so long, but I guess if I could make a generalization I would have to say domestic cars, but that’s not really true cause there’s alot of them I do like I would never buy though, and then there’s some cars I don’t like but I accept, but I Just cant except GM, it would take too long to describe in detail why I hate them, so i wont but I think the main reason is that they sell so many of them, yet they continue to be absolute crap, which just proves to me that America in general is stupid and tasteless.


yet they continue to be absolute crap, which just proves to me that America in general is stupid and tasteless.


You obviously haven’t payed any attention to their lineup over the past few years…their fit and finish has come on lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way.

America isn’t stupid and tasteless. I can assure you the designers and engineers at GM, as well as every other car manufacturer, desire much more out of the product they create. It’s the higher ups who, in an effort to save money, sacrifice quality. But, GM has made great strides to correct this and I can guarantee you if you look at their new cars you’d be suprised.

i do agree they have come a long way, in like 2 years, but any older than that is horriable

this for example

don’t be hating on corvette z06’s

aren’t most domestic car companies associated with import car companies in some way?


this for example


as opposed to ?


i can’t resist… WHY?

I never dislike a Ferrari, just the arrogant asshole with too much money and no respect for the horsepower/handling characteristics that crashes it because he has no clue what he is doing that is driving them

I should say the 1980’s were a bad time for Ferrari simply because it was the 80’s, it was a bad time for everything and everyone


i love people that are driving ferrari’s at like two mhp. Note: my dad has had 2 ferrari’s and he has driven them like they should be in the states in control and with in the limit. he got rid of them because he felt bad for the cars because he could not open them up at all.

It’s amazing how much “lag time” there is in the public perception of brand quality. It takes a long time to build up a brand, and once created the positive impression lasts for years or maybe even decades. But once its lost, it may take decades to recover.

Two examples: German cars got a reputation for quality in the sixties and seventies. Even though they are average now in quality, you can’t get the idea that the are superior out of peoples heads. GM (deservedly) lost its’ reputation in the seventies and eighties and are now just starting to get it back. Try to look with fresh eyes at the current GM lineup. Phenomenal cars. Just drove my buddies Trailblazer SS the other day - damn that is a nice ride. The whole Cadillac line is world class. If I had the money and space for one of the “V” series I’d be all over it. The new full size pickup platform makes the competition, specifically Toyota, look terminally ill. The Corvette is a high water mark in the price/performance wars. And so on.


\ The whole Cadillac line is world class.


No way is the entire line world class…maybe the V…but having driven a standard CTS…it might as well of been a Malibu or Impala. I havent seen that much plastic in a “luxury” car ever. The only upholstered parts are the seats, carpet and headliner. Not one piece on the door panel or dash had any sort of dress to them. It was awful for a car with an MSRP in the mid to upper 30s.


No way is the entire line world class…maybe the V…but having driven a standard CTS…it might as well of been a Malibu or Impala. I havent seen that much plastic in a “luxury” car ever. The only upholstered parts are the seats, carpet and headliner. Not one piece on the door panel or dash had any sort of dress to them. It was awful for a car with an MSRP in the mid to upper 30s.


Ooops. Forgot about that car. Well, the others are nice.


i do agree they have come a long way, in like 2 years, but any older than that is horriable


interior of 2004 model year :shrug:

I’m no GM fan, but I’ll admit, they’ve come a LONG way (Ford as well)

honda crv interior
S-10 blazer interior
Blazer wins

I say they are pretty much even…

All cars are the same…for the most part…boo yah

Damn you all…Only cars I dont like, are the ones with big wings, stickers, fart cans, and a idiot driving it like its the fastest thing in the world…and believing its awwwssome!