The classifieds: Your way, right away.

You spoke, the mods listened. Rubicant fixed it today.

If you run into any problems, post them here so guys better with computers than I am can fix it. :stuck_out_tongue:

democracy :tup:

Awesome! Thank you mods for fixing it.:clap:

Great i cant wait to start to sell shit again. Power to the peoples!

i think it was more the stupid i cant post threads that changed there minds

rx3 and rubicant are crying quietly in a corner by them selfs…


me fail engrish, that’s unpossible!


pass the tissues.

good work :tup:


I think I’ve posted this in about 4 threads on this subject now, but:

Step one when you find yourself in a deep hole is always STOP DIGGING! :slight_smile:


Cool, thank you guys. Hopefully we can keep the fucking morons under control and keep the classifieds.


Finally!! thank god :tup:

Good call.

that shit was getting annoying.

:tup: to the mods.

why did my classifies work this morning and afternoon and now i need a password to get into them ? ugh