they just turned a boat around that suposedly had a bomb on it that dock in the new philadelphia port…which i think is actually in Deleware…there taking it off coast and the FBI is going to search it
:eek3: :scared:
expect more of this if kerry gets elected and pulls are troops out
may get the chance to give someone teh glockcoma
I thought Kerry was going to unite the world :grouphug: :ugh:
fuck Kerry fuck the UN …Bush is the man
he is the better choice in the election, but I am not too happy with his performance so far. He cut the tarriffs on foreign steel, he failed to do anything about the rampant immigration, he hasn’t done anything about companies that outsource to foreign countries, we should have gone to Iraq, but we also should be out by now. Our military should be home and we should just be serving as advisors to their leaders.
He has done a few good things:
tax breaks for WORKING Americans
spoke out against affirmative action
allowed “faith based” charities to be eligible for grants
reversed Clinton’s legalization of partial-birth abortions
built up our military again (after Clinton decemated it)
even though he did this, he has been way to moderate for me. I want to vote for Rick Santorum for Pres.
dont forget partial birth abortions and gay mariages…
and i feel the opostite about iraq. there is no way we could of done what has to be done in a year…and this is comming from a soldier not a bench soldier
I mentioned the abortion thing. :stick:
As a member of the military, you have a better perspective than I do, but I think we did our job by getting rid of Saddam. Now it’s time for the people of Iraq to step up and take over from here. If they truely want democracy, they will make it work.
but leaving before the country can build itself up and let free rein to terorist is assinine…look how long we have been in Germany and Korea…if we want the country to saceed we have to be there to help and back the country …if we leave and back out now the year and a half we spent there would be a waste…it would almost be like a victory for the teriorists