The Facebook IPO

They’ll probably piss it all away. Rumor has it that they are going for attempt number 2 on a mobile device with HTC. That’s a fucking waste of money. They are going all in on facial recognition, which most people people find to be really creepy. Another waste of money.

The original idea for facebook is the only thing they really ever got right (and a few features here and there like photo tagging).

I seriously think that facebook usage and hype has peaked. People will continue to use it, but IMO it’s going to fade away from being the central hub that it has been.


I agree with the usage part but Facebook has been doing facial recognition for years and no one is remotely concerned with it. Any photo you send to FB gets indexed (even if you turn tagging by other people off) and they have IDs for you. Facebook also has profiles for people it uses to keep data assigned to people it “discovers” using its methods of tracking for people who don’t have profiles. They can also allocate pictures to this object as they are uploaded and pretty much have a full profile of a child by the time they are old enough to sign up.

They had a loss in revenue from ads. People are falling off this model slowly.

It’s not really in the face of end-users yet, though. If you were to survey users, you would likely find that 80%+ people don’t have any idea that facebook is doing active facial recognition to the way you described.

Free things are free!

I’ll stick to my original amateur comments from page 1, lol.

I actually think we’ll start to see social media cycles where the next generation of users eventually choose a new medium because they won’t want to be on the same site as their parents. Our kids (well, your kids since I don’t have any) won’t be on Facebook. UNLESS Facebook can give them a reason to stay either because Facebook continues to innovate and people will want to continue using it, or because it will be so integrated that they’ll HAVE to use it.

And it’s one of those two things I’m looking for, not another lame attempt at a Facebook phone.

vB is another story… :fu:

I tend to agree with you Onyx, you make a good point. People will always want to be social, so that aspect won’t change. Facebook is trying its damndest to become highly integrated in everything. Many websites are using facebook to get people logged into their services. As a service provider, that has a lot of benefits (not having to maintain an account database being one major one). It’s not highly widespread at the moment, but you might be right, that if facebook can get that service more widespread, we’ll be handcuffed into keeping facebook around.

Like Spotify requiring a FB account :frowning:

If Facebook can leverage this into a revenue stream too…

Yeah exactly. It doesn’t give them a revenue stream though, it just forces facebook down more people’s throats. Keeps users around for the time being, at least.

I’m curious who pays who on those deals.

Good question. It’s hard to imagine that with two big players, that one is not in the other’s pocket.

Ya but the people who complain about the government wanting to build cameras are the ones who have all their info on Facebook. They are known to mine a ton of data from any time you visit a website with Facebook social plugins to anything you do on the site. Its hilarious how oblivious people are to how the internet works.

Soundcloud is eventually going to do that too I heard. F that crap.

Under $20!

In a quarterly filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the social media company said that as many as 83 million of its accounts are fake.

It also reported that as many as five percent of its active users have duplicate accounts.

It says 1.5 percent of its accounts are likely spam or accounts set up for other malicious activity. The fake accounts are concentrated in developing markets, according to the filing.

It also blames people who set up accounts for non-human entities, such as pets.

There are “inherent challenges” in measuring usage," the social network said.

“We are continually seeking to improve our ability to identify duplicate or false accounts and estimate the total number of such accounts, and such estimates may be affected by improvements or changes in our methodology,” the filing continued.

:clap: :fu: :orly:

Did they ever publish unique user logins per month?

That would seem like an easy way to determine active users.

“User” is to broad. There is people who are on there with fake profiles, joke profiles, businesses, websites, etc. that add friends not interacting with the site that other users who add info, play games, and like pages. Using unique user logins wouldn’t really account for this.

The real shocking thing about that it’s REALLY fucking obvious. Anyone who has even used facebook a small amount should know that there are a lot of bogus accounts. I would expect that to be common knowledge and NOT a major news network headline.

I <3 Bigg Duck

Everything is like that :lol:

NYSpeed has 20,000 members and how many are actually active?

Us 3, the annoying girl, and everyone that works at a computer during the day

If this gets cheap enough I will buy some for the hell of it. Cash rich companies can typically do something to make investors happy enough to see a pop(not necessarily sustained) and make a good trade.