The Future of Albany Speed Shop

i can check out that place on rt 9 before i go to work…if i remember to get my ass out of the house like 10 or 15 min early…lol

yea well mornings are no good for me, i dont sleep alot but when i do its usually around 4am to 10am

if you need real estate services let me know. also check with local auctions and repossed buildings. i drive past a place in troy every day next to Tire Warehouse, River Street, Troy, NY and i believe its the old tire center…i wish you were relocating a couple years ago because the old headley cadilliac building would of been perfect. now its jsut a parking lot. it used to have roof top parking and huge garage space

When looking around consider within this triangle.

Rt 20 carman road to rt20/I-87 intersection to latham back to rt20/carman road. I think within that triangle gives me a location to serve all the parties involved.

Thanks. Keep it up!


As much as I hate to say it, it’s going to have to be something I schedule in. Everyone who really knows me knows how much I work to fit everyone in and even then it’s pulling teeth sometime just to get me to meet up for a few minutes.

You may get your chance to chat a bit as I may end up dropping off Eric Smiths Evo 8 for an alignment now that the cage is complete. He mentioned taking it to you for the suspension whiz… If that’s the case we can chat a bit then.

as we narrow in on a spot…

Good times are coming!


We are currently looking for a new spot.

Could use some help finding one.

Need a 8-10k sqft building in industrial or heavy commecials zoned area.

Some big things are closing in on us. I’ll explain soon.

But we will not be in our current location for much longer…

this is why we are postponing some of the bigger jobs for the new location.

Stay tuned…time for a change…more information coming as I get it and have permission to post it.


Good luck

Good luck, I hope you get this all figured out so I can visit the shop when I move back up north.

Lease or buy?

Can u still do an alignment the first week of august for me lol

id still check out that place on rt 9 in latham…about a mile or so north of guptils (heading north its on the right) im not sure how big it is though…

wheels - lease
sketchy - yes
Justin - can you snap pics?

Marshalls body shop on hoosick st has been for lease forever. Could probably get in there relatively cheap. 8500 sq ft. Not sure about noise restrictions or any of that.


I’d stop by a ton more :lol

I was thinking anything on the other side of the river was bad for location?



If buy it they will come…lol

I dont think you will have any problems wherever you end up. there are quite a few members who live over that way.

which side of which river? lol



hudson river on the albany side