the guy was makin a joke


^^ do you have a hard time listening?

stop posting stupid shit in classified threads.

next time its a 30 day ban.


the guy was makin a joke, did he impede the classified “wtb” add in any way? No, i just think u get off on bein big boss man admin for a joke of a website. You get to talk down to ppl and post whatever u want without consequence and if a few ppl complain u can just clean up what u said like it was never there. i’ll probly get banned for this but, spd-dmn, ur a fukn joke bud. take ur glasses off for a min, get off the comp. go outside and get some sun. u take this joke of an enthusiast website way too seriously.

hahaha… riight

you have no idea who i am or how i act. you’ve never met me in person. you also have no idea what i do or don’t do outside this site.

all you have are your silly assumptions. keep 'em, though. it’s ok, i’m not mad.

btw ive never deleted any complaints or hidden anybody’s posts. ever. i don’t “get off” on being the big boss anything. i, along with the other mods, are simply trying to keep the boards clean. im sorry you cant understand that.

If I or the other mods didnt do anything, there would be 100 times the shit talking that already goes on. we try to keep unnecessary posts in classified to a minimum out of respect for the original poster. otherwise every classified post would turn into a huge flame war or into a retarded discussion. do we need to know everyone’s opinion or stupid 5-year old joke? no. the rules are out there and they’re pretty simple.

and if this site is such a joke to you, feel free to leave at any time.

spd-dmn. you rock. can i be your protege? im 10000% serious!

Mike doesn’t wear glasses.
Dan, you couldn’t be Mike’s protege if you worked for Mazda.

What a retarded and ignorant post.

Are you 17?

go back to tnc, we don’t want you here.

Ant, don’t make me say what I wanna say… you know what I’m talking about. I could RUIN your SON reputation with one foul swoop!


He has the reputation for being a faggot. Help him out.

You’re full of all kinds of hate ain’t ya? Beaten as a child I presume? Foster parents? Moved from home to home? Became white trash? Had a kid at age 12?

Something along those lines?

PS- Only kidding :slight_smile:

from what i have seen in some of the for sale post, mods seem to pick the newer users to ban… which if you think about it is good, cause the older memebers should know better!! its like breaking the habit early… i got punished once and it SUCKED… so i pm the user if i got something to say about the product they maybe selling

im sure most of us have noticed that with mods sending out bans to people, the classified section has been a lot cleaner the last few months. still some minor things here and there but overall i think they are doing a good job. with each ban sent out, the site usually seems to look cleaner afterwards. people are learning their lessons and now avoid posting stupid information. +1 for mods since they keep this site organized and updated for our use and pleasure.

handing out bans like…

a pedofile hands out candy…

1 each

ya well i got banned for aiding in a sale of a co workers car (not a friend a co worker) with out any warning and when you log on it tells you that you have been band after a VERBAL warning which i didnt not get, and if you go through those threads there is alot of people aiding in a sale and talking up the vehicle or product for that person, and i have gone through some of the front desk postings and one of them said you shouldnt be able to post on another person thread which makes sense, then another admin piped up and said we cant do that if people are interested and want more info but thats what pming is for, or a guy that bumbs his thread 2 days early why dont the admins have that control and it is possible i have a friend that started an fta forum and they control the bumbs not the users

Aaaah, Ed, making pathetic comments as usual to feel better about yourself. It’s okay, I understand, I’d be bitter if I were you too.

People always have a problem with authority.

And I :rofl: at those that think the site is a joke.

You have no idea what the database is worth. No idea.

Gonad should know, he tried to steal it, probably would’ve made a killing on the black market.


you live and you learn. i got a ban for posting pointless shit in the classifieds so it keeps my smart ass comments to myself now, and now the threads are cleaner, not only by me keeping my mouth shut but also by the other users who received a similar ban keep their mouths shut too.
+1 to the mods for keeping everyone in line

Stop the spam here guys.

IMO quote needs a ban.

I think spd is just a big bully. gets him off and shit

for the record, not only noobs get banned

mike and i are good buddies and he banned me when i acted out of line in classifieds…