You. Actually, anyone that makes under $1,000,000 a year. Either that, or you’d keep your current insurance, and hopefully that would go down due to jumping on the govt’s lower negotiated rates.
Personally… I Like Britian’s setup… Government “basic” coverage with private insurance available to suppliment for faster/better/other/etc treatments.
You keep failing to mention where all the money that’s going to pay for this magical plan will come from…
that’s more the french model that you described. it’s the one I most prefer.
the british model is more like the candian one in which you get full govt. coverage, but if you get fed up you can pay for private.
-Premiums. The gov’t will charge you and your employer for insurance, just like your current company does. Nothing is “Free.”
-Savings on existing Medicaid and Medicare through reduced rates negotiated with providers on what they have to pay now.
-Increase in taxes on those who make a million dollars or more per years.
That’s how the House is paying for it. The Senate plan is the same except for instead of the millionaire’s tax, they put a tax on the most expensive health plans out there, for executives and the like, with cosmetic surgery and other fluff in there.
Those of you arguing against universal healthcare because some will get out more than they put in, and who also have health insurance are hypocrites. I’ll explain later if you can’t figure it out on your own.
that’s what I was just thinking fry.
sounds like they are saying:
“I don’t want to pay for car insurance if I don’t think I’m going to crash. they’ll give my money to other people who get into accidents”
You’re probably correct; I’ve read/seen so many other countries versions I get’m confused.
May I remind you about the disaster that was FEMA after Katrina hit. Yea, the government did a great job with that one… I’m sure they’ll handle the entire nations health care just fine :roll:
I love this one… so where is the option that O’Bama speaks of? We as working people will be paying for the government plan as well as our private plan “if we like what we have.”
This WILL force all other private insurance companies out of business (especially the small local ones like Independent Health) and into a single payer plan. People will not be able to pay for both plans and will have to opt for the government plan.
I think he’s talking about this forum… apples and oranges if he is.
With all the haters out there on a public option I have yet to see an alternative solution to the problem. Is this because you have no solution or don’t see the problem?
Do you understand what an insurance premium is? You don’t pay the premium for the government plan if you don’t use it. You don’t pay for it at all if you don’t use it and you make less than 1m per year. Like I said, it’s an option.
that is not at all the reason why I am against universal healthcare…for the record…
Also, I am not 100% against the option. I just think that we should fix the problem instead of giving an option to the problem.
Speaking of Obama wanting to help people…
Caption should be “Hey look, cameras, get out da way ol man.”
That photo is hilarious, Obama just leaves the crippled on the stairs. lol
A picture is worth 1000 words.
There is no way they will allow people to “purchase” the government plan like a private insurance company. And they are already talking about increasing the taxes on the middle class to pay for this. It is simply not sustainable if implemented by just taxing the rich and “using money from other health care initiatives that aren’t working.”
We (middle class) will pay for some portion of this plan if implemented, by higher taxes… if not this year, within the next few years.
what do you think they are going to do?
Ugh, looks like another example of my sig.
1.) READ THE BILL. That is exactly what they are going to allow people to do.
2.) No, they aren’t. In fact, they made a blatant statement today that says the opposite after Tim Geithner was misinterpreted.
3.) It is a hell of a lot more sustainable than our current system. You can’t compound double-digit increases in cost on something every year for too long before it gets out of hand.
I don’t care what the bill says right now… It is a hastily slapped together idealist bill with good intentions and not much financial thought. If they implement this bill, they will soon realize that they cannot continue without input from everyone. The CBO has already stated that the bill will increase the federal deficit by $1 trillion over the next 10 years. The one in the senate is supposed to cost even more!!! Who, then, is going to pay for this?
increase the federal income tax on everyone.
How the hell does every other civilized country with universal healthcare pay for it?