The "I got F*CKED over" thread!

EDIT: go to 2nd page and read my post about hunting down Anthony and my non-existent oil pressure. Forget reading all this.

Here’s my story, it’s long, but please bear with me (skip to the 2 last paragraphs if you’re lazy, you’ll be confused a bit though). Thanks. These are all the details I can remember, I will try to be as unbiased as possible.

I agreed to pay 240coupe (SON member) to install the following parts:
-gas tank strap
-front lower control arms
-nismo power brace
-bing’s tc rods
-rebuilt KA24DE (will be covered later)
-Q45 front brakes
-SS brake lines all around
-Hawk HP+ pads at the back
-25mm spacers
-steering rack bushings

My stock brake rotors were touching the pad when not applied so this wore one side of my brake pad and rotor tremendously and I had metal to metal contact, so I took the car to 240coupe’s place after I gave him the Q45 rotors to be redrilled to 4 lug.

We tried installing the brakes, turns out the 4 lug redrilling was rushed and the holes didn’t line up. I had to leave the car there. About 2-3 weeks later of delays and whatnot, he said the engine that I paid a deposit for was rebuilt.

He installed the engine, then called me saying it started up quickly but felt weird when driving, then he called me back 10 mins later saying that he changed the spark plug gapping (mind you these are 2.5 months old NGK Plats from my older engine, possibly fouled by it’s oil consumption) and that solved the problem.

I asked if everything was installed, he said no, I was like wtf it’s been 3 weeks dude.

This is what he said:
“Your rad support seemed rusty, so I didn’t install the powerbrace, so I didn’t install the TC rods.” I was like “ok that’s fine. What else?” He said that he only installed 1 lower control arm…wtf? He did get the rotors fixed however. He said that the rear brake lines seemed brittle and he didn’t install the ss lines at the back. One of my tie rod ends seemed screwed too, so he used one from his pile of junk in the garage.

He drove the car back to my house with his buddy so he could go back. I went to the bank in my car before paying him. I was babying it since it was rebuilt so I barely touched the throttle and didn’t go over 2k. I paid him the money since he was being really anal about paying him. He wanted me to pay him the full price like 2 days AFTER I paid the deposit, way before the engine was even rebuilt because he “had to pay the engine builder up front”.

I gave him the money as soon as I saw the car running and told him to get me the 10,000 km warranty from the engine builder in writing in case anything went wrong, and for a build sheet so I know wtf he did to my engine. He didn’t have those ready, and said he’d get them after paying the engine guy. I was very very frustrated at this point but the only way to get my car back was to pay him, and the engine was installed, so I did. Worst mistake ever.

I took the car for another drive after he left, and it really felt weird, the engine just made noise and barely accelerated, felt like the timing was off or something. I tried calling him, but it was too late at night so he didn’t pick up. I parked the car for the night.

Upon getting out I noticed MY RIMS WERE ALL SCRATCHED UP!!! All around the lug nut holes like he used an airgun with a lose socket repeatedly or something I dont know. Even on the spokes, chunks of paint were scratched off. The damage was mainly on the front 2 rims, possibly when the Q45 brakes were being installed and the rims were put face down on the driveway, I don’t know. The rears had the same scratches around the lug nut holes, but less damage than the fronts. I was furious. I also found my gas tank strap in the car, uninstalled, and he told me he didnt install the spacers either because the brakes “magically cleared” my rims. About the gas tank strap, he “totally forgot to add that to the list of things to install”, even though all the parts were in my backseat when I dropped off the car.

Basically I paid him $1410 bucks and he installed an engine, q45 brakes at the front, new brake pads at the back, ss lines at the front, steering rack bushings and 1 control arm…My car also had strange new clunking noises coming from the rear when I turned. He quoted me $1200 installed for the engine, but then I ended up paying for all the fluids and whatnot, $60 bucks extra. Then $200 bucks extra for the other parts, most of which he didn’t install. Still, no problem, as long as I got my car back working properly.

I’m a nice guy and I appreciate that he worked on my car and did it for a relatively low price, I was willing to let all this go, seriously I am that nice lol. Then the next day when he came to see the damage to my rims, and to return the uninstalled parts that he “forgot” to install or said my car was unfit to install on, I wanted to take him for a spin and ask wtf all these sounds were and why my brakes felt shitty (Q45 brakes are supposed to feel STRONG as hell, he has them on his coupe…so he should’ve known before he gave the car back).

I started up the car to take him for a spin, the oil pressure light stays ON! I was like wtf, and turned off the car immediately. He had no idea what was wrong, he told me the engine builder took everything apart and put it back together saying it was to spec. Earlier he told me the engine builder bought all new parts and he was waiting for them to be shipped so he could assemble the engine (when he delayed over those 2-3 weeks). He came over in the next few days with no answers and no contact with the engine builder, he tried to use his ka’s oil pressure sender to see if that was the problem, but he didn’t have the tools to remove mine or to take off my overtightened oil filter (guess who installed that too? lol). There’s more that I don’t feel like typing, but you get the gist.

Now this is the situation, my car is sitting in the garage with no oil pressure, possibly due to a failed oil pump, my engine was running like shit before this issue happened, I have no receipt, no build sheet, and the engine builder has disappeared from existence, the phone number 240coupe gave me to contact the engine builder doesn’t work, it says “customer unavailable” without ringing. 240coupe accepts no responsibility for not getting me the receipt/build sheet/warranty, yet he was the one who paid the guy with my money. He is not willing to spend any money to get my car fixed at a shop because he claims to not have any money. I went through the possibility of this situation occurring with him over the phone, I said “what if the engine builder screws up and doesn’t honour his warranty?” 240coupe said, “well then you owe me nothing and you take your car to a mechanic.” That’s word for word. Now that this has happened, he accepts no responsibility. I will say that he is still trying to help me deal with the situation, I’m not bad mouthing the guy. He’s a nice guy and he’s been pretty helpful, but there has been 0 progress so far and a lot of inconsistency. I am getting really suspicious.

He didn’t install half of the parts, some because he forgot, and the others because my rad support was “rusty” or my brake lines were “brittle”. I’m 1400+ dollars down and don’t have a working car, and have been deceived, and my rims have been damaged. I really think you guys should be aware of situations like this. Make sure you get EVERYTHING IN WRITING BEFORE PAYING. Please don’t make the same mistake I made. I did not make this thread to degrade 240coupe, I did it to find that engine builder and get my car fixed at his cost. I also made this thread to get advice on what to do next.

The engine builder is named Anthony, drives a black pickup truck and his cell phone number is 416 262 9725. That is all I know.

Thanks for your help guys, I really appreciate it. I hope this gets resolved somehow.


x2 nobodys gonna read that much…youll get more replies

damn man… that really sucks, especially without receipts or ANYTHING!

hope you end up dealing all this out

I read it all
man, that does suck!
sorry to hear that happened!
I might not be much of help, but maybe I can help get the car running free of charge!
Try getting some more information on the engine builder guy

this is why I do everything myself, or at least try. I know its not exactly an option for everyone. For the things I cant do, I find the place with the best reputation , look at their work, get feedback from other customers, etc. It sucks that you got fucked, but it happens if you dont know who your dealing with up front. Sometimes its worth it just to pay that extra bit of money to have it done right the first time at a reputable shop…

This guy own a shop? Or is he just some random person that works on cars…

240coupe told me Anthony rebuilt his engine for his old s13, and it ran fine. That is why I trusted him, and because I was supposed to get a 10,000km warranty. My logic at the time was: if he’s successfully done a build and it has lasted this long, he knows what he’s doing. 240coupe doesn’t know any more information about him, he basically picked up an old block, and rebuilt it, then dropped it off…sucks eh?

As long as no one else gets screwed over by this Anthony guy…it’s all good. I’m gonna borrow some money and take it to a mechanic, I guess. This is really shitty…I guess you live and you learn. I fail at the learn part. lol

shit man good luck is all i can say, be prepared to be down more then 1400 from a mechanic

“what if the engine builder screws up and doesn’t honor his warranty?”

“well then you owe me nothing and you take your car to a mechanic”

Ahmad This statment is totally untrue, you know this

About the gas tank strap, he “totally forgot to add that to the list of things to install”,

You were not charged for this being installed…

““Then $200 bucks extra for the other parts, most of which he didn’t install.””
Please list these parts i am very interested in knowing which ones these are myself.

Why my brakes felt shitty (Q45 brakes are supposed to feel STRONG as hell, he has them on his coupe…so he should’ve known before he gave the car back).

Your brakes are perfectly blead and they feel shitty due to your BMC or ABS unit I told you this.

""He didn’t install half of the parts, some because he forgot, and the others because my rad support was “rusty” or my brake lines were “brittle”. “”

Unless you wanted me to risk your rear brake likes breaking which you would have to have replaced after then i wasnt going to touch them. I told you your better off doing it in the summer when you have mor emoney because you would be risking breaking the lines.

You were not charged for the install of this.

Your rad support is rusted to shit, I’ve heard of the bolts breaking off inside of it before so I wasn’t ready to touch that and risk damaging it. Again I told you your better off doing it in the summer and getting the rust fixed at the same time.

You were not charged for the install of this.

Also while installing your rear pads I had to spend well over an hour heating up and un-seizing your sliders.

You were not charged for this.

When we initially agreed on the install price none of this extra stuff was included you just kept throwing parts in saying can you do this too, and this and how about these until there was a long list of parts to install.

I have been doing my best to help you in this situation, but I don’t appreciate you spreading bad information about the situation.

“what if the engine builder screws up and doesn’t honor his warranty?”

“well then you owe me nothing and you take your car to a mechanic”

Ahmad This statment is totally untrue, you know this

About the gas tank strap, he “totally forgot to add that to the list of things to install”,

You were not charged for this being installed…

““Then $200 bucks extra for the other parts, most of which he didn’t install.””
Please list these parts i am very interested in knowing which ones these are myself.

Why my brakes felt shitty (Q45 brakes are supposed to feel STRONG as hell, he has them on his coupe…so he should’ve known before he gave the car back).

Your brakes are perfectly blead and they feel shitty due to your BMC or ABS unit I told you this.

""He didn’t install half of the parts, some because he forgot, and the others because my rad support was “rusty” or my brake lines were “brittle”. “”

Unless you wanted me to risk your rear brake likes breaking which you would have to have replaced after then i wasnt going to touch them. I told you your better off doing it in the summer when you have mor emoney because you would be risking breaking the lines.

You were not charged for the install of this.

Your rad support is rusted to shit, I’ve heard of the bolts breaking off inside of it before so I wasn’t ready to touch that and risk damaging it. Again I told you your better off doing it in the summer and getting the rust fixed at the same time.

You were not charged for the install of this.

Also while installing your rear pads I had to spend well over an hour heating up and un-seizing your sliders.

You were not charged for this.

When we initially agreed on the install price none of this extra stuff was included you just kept throwing parts in saying can you do this too, and this and how about these until there was a long list of parts to install.

I have been doing my best to help you in this situation, but I don’t appreciate you spreading bad information about the situation.

just wondering, what are you doing to help him in this situation?

and why did it take you so long to do the work in the first place?

Wait…So you trusted someone you didn’t know to do all of this without any sort of paperwork?

240coupe, you took the motor to be rebuilt and guaranteed him a motor that works no? So where is it…

240coupe did my 5 speed swap before and he’s had several 240’s in the past. That is why I let him do all this work. Also, he had the Q45 brakes that I wanted to install already on his car.

The rest of the parts, except the engine, are just bolt on pieces (tc rods, powerbrace, spacers, gas tank strap etc.)…nothing too challenging for someone that works on his car all the time.

I don’t have a place to work on my car, or tools, otherwise I’d start learning by myself. Now that this has happened, I’m going through the FSM learning as much as I can because I hate getting screwed over. I think too highly of people’s morals, I’ve been this way my whole life. :frowning: I should never be a businessman lol.

And Martino, that is exactly what I said to him, then he said “I only installed the engine for you, the engine builder is the one who was supposed to warranty the engine, but he’s disappeared now and not contacting me, so it’s not my problem.”

Now I’m not at fault and shouldn’t have to pay for anything more, I paid the money for everything INSTALLED, I should get it…it’s not my fault that 240coupe failed to get my build sheet and receipt with the warranty upon payment to the engine builder. He should not have paid him until there was a written agreement, but he did. Plus, there was damage done to my rims by 240coupe and his buddy who worked on my car, that’s undeniable, so he owes me at least something…to top it off, the majority of the parts that were to be installed are lying in my basement collecting dust!
EDIT: I forgot to list them
-nismo powerbrace
-rear stainless steel lines
-1 control arm
-4 25mm spacers
-bing’s tc rods
-gas tank strap

I’d be willing to let the whole situation be a thing of the past if 240coupe got my engine fixed at a shop, it is probably just an oil pump, or the oil pressure sender, and the ign. and/or cam timing needs to be checked once I have oil pressure; that should get her running just fine. Once again, I am not trying to spread misinformation or e-thugging, that is far from the purpose of this thread. I am trying to figure out what steps should be taken now to resolve the issue.

I suggested the car could be taken to Draggone’s new shop, who I should’ve gone to initially now that I look back… but I spoke with 240coupe and he’s not willing to pay a dime since he believes it’s not his responsibility whatsoever. That is what’s really pissing me off.

It sucks, to because, now that you have not signed or anything… You can’t really take the sucker to court. Last resort of course. But If you could i’d make him sign for it. i wouldn’t have let him done the work on it other wise.

Cash deals don’t usually come with warranties or receipts. There are many sponsors on these forums. I drive 1-3/4 hours to have work done on my car by someone running an established and respected business.
Hopefully this is a lesson learned and to anyone else planning to have work done this way. Therer Will be a risk.

it didnt take any extra time, he got the car back when he said he needed it back…

i was going to see if i could take some time off and install an oil pump for him, but thats not going to happen now.

To top it off, the majority of the parts that were to be installed are lying in my basement collecting dust!
EDIT: I forgot to list them
-nismo powerbrace
-rear stainless steel lines
-1 control arm
-4 25mm spacers
-bing’s tc rods
-gas tank strap

Ahmad , you were not charged for the install of any of these parts , how can you complain they werent installed?

Heh, sounds bad dude. hmmm only advice I can give you, is find “Anthony” and run him over? haha justkidding, but yah you need to talk to him see if maybe he did anything wrong or see what he can suggest you do with it. If its just you oil pump your good :slight_smile: but if not that sucks lol

240coupe is right in this situation. No blame can be put on him, and he should assume no responsibility.

This really does sound like it sucks, and Im sure alot of people have been in situations like this, but that’s why you should take the advice of people who have learned the hard way and just progress.

Hope something comes of this.


Honestly, and I don’t know a lot about cars in general this is why I’m here, is to learn. I’m a noob lol. Regardless, I would have taken it to a respectful shop, I know many. I’d pay the extra dollar for the quality service (just in my opinion). 240sxCoupe I have one of those. Anyways, regardless… 240sxCoupe can’t really be responsible in this situation, How ever… we are all hearing from both sides of the story. But what makes you think either one is true? we are all going off of what they said, and if it is true… both sides that is, we can only offer a biased opinion. How ever, if we experienced it ourselves im sure we would be thinking differently.

Just remember, lesson learned take your car to a shop.

Not a lesson i’d teach.