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i enjoyed it, very different approach, too many monster movies are predictable, this one had me wondering whats next, the fact that it wasn’t based on a monster but instead the people in a life catastrophy was :tup:. And the thing i was most worried about, when you first see the monster i feared it would ruin the whole thing, however it didn’t, they showed just as much as anyone would probably see if they were in the situation with their city being destroyed, the story stayed with the people in panic. If they had showed anymore than they did it would have ruined it for sure, perfectly done :tup::tup:

Camera was shaky but thats how its supposed to be, if you were holding a camera running from an attack it’d be the same if not worse. It didnt bother me and i do get motion sickness, like i said its a different “real life style documentry” approach to making a movie and it was done well in my book.
This movie gets 7.5/10 from me.
