The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

Mean Machine (2001) - 7.5/10


Basically the British/Soccer version of the longest yard.

Disgraced ex-England captain (Danny ‘Mean Machine’ Meehan) is thrown in jail for assaulting two police officers. Whilst in jail, he doesn’t recieve any favours because of his celebrity status in the outside world. He is out numbered and many prisoners constantly barrage him with insults for letting down his country in a crucial World Cup game.

He keeps his head down and has the opportunity to forget everything and change the lives of the prisoners. These prisoners have the chance to put one over the evil guards. The prisoners are lead by Danny and the whole of the prison, guards aside, are behind them.

Slow Burn (2002) - 7/10


District attorney Ford Cole is running for mayor, promising to capture the city’s elusive crime boss, Danny Ludin. On the night of a gas link in the inner city, his interview with a national reporter is interrupted by word that his best prosecutor, Nora Timmer, who’s also his lover, has killed a man she claims was assaulting her.

A few minutes later, a man shows up at Cole’s office claiming it was murder, implicating Nora in complicated schemes and crimes. Cole wants a few hours to get to the bottom of a mess that quickly includes land deals, shell corporations, and political corruption. Who’s setting up whom?


Decent movie, definatly entertaining. Acting was meh, story line was meh, but the special effects were great and the fight scenes were badass. Definatly worth checking out. 7/10

Mr. Brooks

I don’t like costner but he did a great job in this one.



The actual movie gets a 7 out of 10. It’s PG-13, an R version probably would have been amazing. I’d give the premise a 9 out of 10. Something about it is just inherently cool. Definitely mini-series material.

Step Up 2 The Streets… probably the best movie of 2008 so far. Great characters, incredible plot, music was amazing. After the movie I called all my friends to form a dance crew so we can battle people around the world.


:picard: WORST movie ever! NOT recommended.

Wonderland - 7/10

Good story. Eddie Nash scares me :frowning:

AVP- 4/10 Horrible acting, cast and plot
american gangster- 9/10 great movie
Run fatboy Run-8/10 real funny

Miller’s Crossing (1990) - 7.5/10


Tom Reagan is the laconic anti-hero of this amoral tale which is also, paradoxically, a look at morals within the criminal underworld of the 1930s. Two rival gangs vie for control of a city where the police are pawns, and the periodic busts of illicit drinking establishments are no more than a way for one gang to get back at the other. Black humour and shocking violence compete for screen time as we question whether or not Tom, right-hand man of the Irish mob leader, really has a heart.

:word: just watched this the other night…loved it

Now I know why he was given so many accolades for his performance

war - 6/10… acting isnt that good, the fights are alllright, i dunno i expected more


actually WAY better than the first… kinda has that “aliens” feel vs the other alien movies.
some plot holes, but all around 100000% improvement from the first. good action, lots of blood and death…over all 7.5-8/10 (always been a fan of the franchise)

Word. I wasn’t impressed.

3:10 to Yuma

7/10 It was interesting and the character development was pretty good. The cliches were a little tiring.

Semi Pro 8/10

The Kingdom

Also - Michael Clayton (the George Clooney attny flick)

A bit too much time spent on developing the plot. But overall a very decent movie. Its def a new twist on the usual Erin Brockovich type movie. Worth the $3.99 fo sho.

Best line of the movie: “I’m not the guy you kill, I’m the guy you buy.”

I’d say 7/10 …because it was a bit too existential in a Vanilla Sky kind of way.

The Mist - 8/10

I absolutely loved this movie…really wanted more. The ending both surprised me and pissed me off!

In the Name of the King - 4/10

This movie would have been much better if Lord of the Rings didn’t exist. Basically they ripped off every concept/scene/character/? possible from the LotR movies. It had some good action/fighting scenes and whatnot, but overall very poorly done.

I’m gonna up a semi list from the movies i seen at the end of last year.

++ means the misses and I both liked the movie.

X means we didnt obviously .
(i know alot of these movies arent new, alot of them i was revisting because my sheltered misses, hasnt seen anything)

1)Hustle n Flow - ++
2)John Carpenters Vampires - ++
3)Rob Lowes Salem’s Lot - ++
4)Vampire Clan - Xx
5)Heebie Jeebies - ++
6)28 Weeks Later - ++
7)Night Junkies - ++
8)Strange Things Happen At Night - XX
9)DeathProof - ++
10)Titanic - ++
11)Trainspotting - ++
12)The Hitcher (new) - ++
13)Death Row - ++
14)Room 6 - XX
15)The Thirst - ++
16)Perfect Creature -XX
17)The Reaping - ++
18)The Invisible - ++
19)Burried Alive - ++
20)Murder Set Pieces -XX
21)Severed - XX
22)SLIP - ++
23)White Oleander - ++
24)Fly Boys - ++
25)The Grave Dancers - ++
26)Experiment in Torture - Xx
27)The Mind Hunters - ++
28)Wrong Turn 2 Dead End - ++
29)The Fast And The Furious - ++
30)Million Dollar Baby - ++
31)Reign Over Me - ++
32)Knocked Up - ++
33)HotFuzz - ++
34)Hitch - ++
35)Dawn of the Dead - ++
36)Initiation of Sarah - XX
37)Captivity - ++
38)Ringmaster - ++
39)Slayer - ++
40)Bottom Feeder - XX
41)Saw - ++
42)Saw II - ++
43)Saw III - ++
44)The Quick and Undead - XX
45)Saw 4 - ++
46)Pulp Fiction - ++ (the greatest movie of all time revisited)
47)masters of horror - ciggarette burns - ++
48)masters of horror - dreams in the witch house - XX
49)Maid of Honor - XX
50)RedLine - ++
51)Jackass the movie - ++
52)Jackass the movie 2 unrated - ++
53)Gag - ++
54)thr3e - ++
55)The Messengers - XX
56)Home Of The Brave - ++
57)The Kovak Box - XX
58)The LookOut - ++
59)Dark Ride - XX
60)The Boondock Saints - ++
61)Chuck and Larry - ++
62)Splinter - X+
63)Doomed - ++
64)christine - ++
65)Tokyo drift - ++
66)Horrors Of War - ++
67)Wendigo - XX
68)Anna’s Eve - ++
69)Death By Engagement - ++
70)Severance - ++
71)Rise of the Dead - ++
72)Welcome to the Jungle - +x
73)40 yr old virgin - ++
74)Rescue Dawn - ++
75)Stir of Echos 2 - ++