The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

i hated him in alpha dog, just because his character was such a bitch

No Country for Old Men 9/10

I loved it with the exception of a fews holes in the story…well not so much holes but things left out i guess. How does suger kill the chicken farmer, how, if he did at all, did he kill some of the other people, who’s names i wont mention for those who haven’t seen it. They could have showed what happens at the motel towards the end, the car accident at the end was kind of pointless too i thought. but other than that definitely a great movie!

Omg this movie sucked.

August Rush…9.5/10

This kid is a musical prodigy and can literally hear music everywhere he goes…he was put into a orphanage when he was a baby(long story behind it and i wont ruin it) and he ends up leaving there and meeting up with another kid musician in NYC who introduces him to the “boss” who happens to be robin williams and mind you plays your typical spastic basket case (in a serious way this time) blah blah blah he ends up getting a scholarship to juliard and composes this huge musical symphony and ends up finding his real parents at the end…im just giving brief points to the movie, once you see it you’ll def understand it…great story IMO

Shrooms 1/10
dont bother unless your on shrooms. but still dont bother.

I hope that’s a joke.

Rambo First Blood Part II
Hmmm typical 80’s action flick. It’s funny because a lot of the things that movies make fun of in action films is in this movie. The Asian chick’s broken English is terrible. I’d give it a 4/10

Reign Over Me 10/10

Gangs of New York - 7.5/10… i thought daniel day lewis did an awesome job though

We own the night - 8/10

The Condemned.

Probably the greatest masterpiece of the 21st century film wise. Definitely underrated when it came out by only grossing in the U.S. Box Office: $7,327,940. If I could give this movie an 18/10 I would. Stone Cold Steve Austin missed his calling as an actor (well considering wrestling is acting maybe he didn’t?).

I feel that this movie should be shown in every class room of every high school in America. This movie is an artwork of it’s own, and could very well one day sit behind bulletproof glass in the Smithsonian.

If you have not seen this movie yet, buy it, it is one of the most intense thing’s I have ever watched. By all means, don’t trust my review, but read and trust these as well.

[quote="Boston Globe, Wesley Morris
“Cruel and unusual punishment – for viewers.”

Ok screw what the critics said. This movie is magnificant. It is right up there with works of art such as: Gigli, Glitter, The Hillz, and 3 Ninjas High Noon at Mega Mountain!


the mist 6/10 . had some really cool parts. gay but funny/ironic ending.

That fucking movie rocked so fucking hard.

You cant kill stone cold, no matter how hard you try.

Bachelor Party 2

Actually had some pretty funny parts. lots of titties :tup:

21 - I’ll give it a 7.5, its basically a jazzier, higher budget rounders.

Eastern Promises 6/10 , i was expecting more

american beauty 9/10, amazing flick, im mad i waited so long to see it.

The Condemned

DAmn i actually thought that movie was bad ass.

Srsly? I am not one to put down someone else’s opinions but… the movie IMO was just soooooo damn GOOD. In fact, I’m gonna go pop in the DVD right now & rock the fuck out to some sweet horribly executed explosions & suspenseful plot line. I may even leave it on repeat and watch it twice.

^ Can i Come and watch it with you?


lols such a good flick

“The Mist”… 8/10, only because the ending was so fucking unrealistic its pathetic. No one would have done that to the kid, maybe the geezers.

It might be tough, but I think we should setup some time of marathon. Maybe this weekend and just watch it 24/7 maybe even act it out.

Ill bring my Airsoft Mp5…lawls