The last movie you've seen, and rate it.

watched jumper gave it a 8/10
its a great concept but i though it was too short. it will only be justified with a sequal. and then another. and then a tv series oh and some action figures


DUDE YOU LIKED THIS MOVIE TOO? IT WAS SOO DAMN GOOD.:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

American Psycho - 8/10

are you fucking serious? its ok if you saw it but on a serious movie notion, how could anything with larry the cable guy get above a 5 out of 10.

lol good clip, sick jofa bucket too.

Yeah he is hilarious.

Strangers Sucked balls.

IronMan Kicked ASS!!

The Eye 7/10
It was deffinatly different, kinda makes you look over your shoulder if your door is open.
I liked it, tho I didn’t think it was amazing.

Blood Diamond finally 9/10 amazing flick

HAHA someone else seen that

Honestly if that dosen make you laudgh I dont wha wil!

the happening - 6/10

would have been a few pts higher if they actually explained wtf happened

the happening - 2/10. rather pathetic plot and not so good acting either.


7/10 pretty good movie.

lol yeah, it was pretty sad. Worst movie of the year so far… the acting was terrible.

Zohan- 4/10

God, I knew this movie was going to be stupid, but wow, it was pretty bad. It did make me laugh in a quite a few scenes, but jesus, it sucked.

Into the Wild (2007) - 9/10

A movie that really makes you think in my opinion.


Based on a true story. After graduating from Emory University in 1992, top student and athlete Christopher McCandless abandoned his possessions, gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity and hitchhiked to Alaska to live in the wilderness. Along the way, Christopher encounters a series of characters who shape his life.

Kings of South Beach (2007) – 6.5/10


(Made for TV movie)

Based on the true story of a Miami Beach nightclub owner who takes a young employee under his wing, while trying to avoid bankruptcy and the mafia.

cool beans… not cool beans clip… I lost it when he hops on the pommel horse though

hey, if you find your balls, let us know!

i gave my roomate shit bc his gf made him go mattress shopping (gay) then to the fucking movie stated above (off the charts fucking miserable). really, wtf is that? i dont make my gf change my oil, dont make me see some shitty fucking movie im going to hate

i would NEVER FUCKING DO THAT EVER. also, she knows better not to even fucking ask. piss fucking poor man. grow a goddamn pair, jesus.