Total bullshit. We need a revolution.
First of all, JayS, you left out that your asshole friends the Republicans forced the removal of all increased taxes on energy companies from the bill.
The Senate passed the bill last week after discarding billions of dollars in higher taxes on oil companies and a solar and wind power mandate that opponents said would raise electric rates in the Southeast. President Bush and Senate Republicans opposed those measures.
And the Democrats are wrong too.
Democrats said the fuel economy requirements — when the fleet of gas-miser vehicles are widely on the road — eventually will save motorists $700 to $1,000 a year in fuel costs.
People may spend less on fuel, but they will spend more in other taxes or fees. Why? Less fuel bought equals less fuel tax revenue for the feds and states. And since they can’t control their spending, they’ll have to make up that revenue somewhere.
Personally, I don’t think the oil-Republican complex wants you to spend less on fuel. I think they want you to spend the same money on less fuel to better their ROI.
The mileage is not unrealistic in terms of cars, but it is for trucks. It may be the end of the grocery getter pickup. Sad thing is that Americans can afford trucks and americans want them. Sure you can make a 30 mpg 1/2 ton pickup. The problem is you will need a small diesel engine or small diesel/hybrid arrangement. You’ll also need to use much more aluminum, composites, and plastics to reduce weight. Thus you’ll get a pickup that is both expensive and slow, but “greener.”
More efficient light bulbs and appliances? Sure great idea. But they’ll cost more. With less disposable income in the hands of the majority of americans I can’t see that as having a positive impact.
So in summary, we have a bill that failed to get billions of much needed revenue from energy companies with tons of cash but instead pushes mandates that will cost the consumer more money and cost jobs. But they politicians won’t mention that. They’ll just talk about how they support ‘green’ and preserving the planet and reducing dependence on foreign oil and all that happy horseshit.
Personally, I’d rather keep my job engineering transfer cases for gas-guzzling SUV’s than be ‘green’ and poor.