The new track car *Updated 7/5 w/ new pic*

that can happen in any platform.

i wasnt being a dick i really wonder what he is looking to gain from an FR platform over AWD. saying that the awd is too forgiving of a platform means your recognizing your errors, but eliminating those errors will only improve your overall ability. in your first post you do say that support for the LGT is limited and hats understandable, but for the price you prepared to spend on moton doubles for an FR setup that you will be initially limited by, why not spend a little extra and do a moton double setup in the LGT and make a forgiving platform even better. ultimately its your money and youll spend it how you see fit, but forging your own path and learning and developing something different seems a bit more adventurous, rather than picking the car that you can lego together and be like everyone else.

either way:hug