Prove it
I have two handguns and a shotgun, if they are going to be stolen it will be from my cold dead hands. As for losing a gun, if you are dumb enough to lose a gun, you should not have one in the first place.
And I am for Obama and I am for handgun and assualt weapon licensing (not an all out ban) and responsible usage of guns. Basically, I feel LAW ABIDING citizens have the right to own guns and measures should be taken to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, mentally unstable, and minors (we don’t need another Virgina Tech or Columbine incident).
Thats all I care to hear. Responsibility with the weapon. In my eyes thats all that matters.
look it up. why do I have to research something that YOU do not know about. not my fault you’re uneducated.
what are you retarded… you make a statement saying “And violent crimes increase exponentially” With absolutely no factual backing.
Thats like me saying JEG fucks guys. Is there any merrit no… If I said JEG fucks guys and had several accounts of your friends saying you have been caught getting a black dick up your ass from time to time, and hey there are pictures to prove yea. Then JEG fucks guys.
but “violent crimes increase exponentially” … WOOOO I TOTALLY BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID. Go smoke pot.
Oddly enough, there is no effect between violent crimes and gun control in england for example
But hey… what is a violent crime…
example - * Child abuse Cruelty to children (people under the age of 18)
Child Abuse, what would a gun do there, the kid is going to have a gun? no… it will have a negligible if any effect on the amount of child abuse claims… But thats under vioilent crimes and is considered a statistic under “violent crimes”
ok smart ass im talking about the rate of murder, rape, muggings, thefts…those types of crimes.
lol I can’t do anymore googling with rape in the search thread… even with safe search on a wrong click can be a little brutal…
You still aren’t providing any evidence other than your own assumptions.
Hows that? I’ll find more dont worry
foxnews = repub conservative… its bias thanks
um…its still the news douche. and what they said is the truth on the matter.
LOL EVEN BETTER LOL thats like looking for a Religion Vs IQ graph on
yeah did you read it or check the credits as to who wrote it? or just look at the title?
Don Kates is a lawyer and criminologist associated with the Independent Institute in Oakland. Carol Hehmeyer is a retired San Francisco deputy district attorney.
I stopped at www.gunown…
there ya go./ you didnt even check for yourself and just jump to discredit something without even knowing anything about it.
personally I don’t legislation or licenses will do shit because criminals don’t follow the rules, hence the name “criminal”. I do think that if Obama becomes President then our taxes will skyrocket and we will lose our strength as a nation. Not to mention we will lose some rights that make us American, such as some of the things he has supported regarding gun laws.
its funny all this bickering back and forth, and all u mccain supporters dont rezlize than mccain got a “D” from the NRA, the only one from either party that got an “A” was ron paul.
It does not matter if I am a McCain fan or not (i hate both major canidates so you all know) when it comes to my views of gun ownership. I feel that laws are fine the way they are…actually I think pistol permits are to hard in NYS to get. Some control is one thing, but you can’t hinder an amendment, hell lets take away freedom of the press so we can’t even talk about gun laws…how about freedom of religon…the constitution was written in a time of when an uprising was needed to allow freedoms based upon what out ancestors needed. When it was written, it was also given thought for the future of our country as a whole. It is meant for the future of our country men to have the opportunies they had when they were controled by another country and freed themselves from Britian. It is a right so if control becomes to much we can bare arms and restructer, also use them to live and feed hundereds of years ago.
Mental note: when I finally snap, sniper rampage with a muzzle loader.