~* The Official Buffalo Bandits Thread *~

Go Bandits! 11-9 win over the San Jose Stealth! If we win tomorrow night in Arizona we clinch our playoff spot!

The Bandits win!! WOOOOOOO!!!

I know it’s a multiple post but since no one else posts on here I don’t see any way around it… :(. It’s like a week since my last post anyways.


Go Bandits! Clinched our Division today and guaranteed at least one playoff home game.

Calgary and Portland (other division) are both one game behind us and if we win one and they each lose one then we clinch full home field advantage.

Calgary plays Colorado the 14th… and the 15th…
Portland plays Edmenton the 14th and Minnesota the 15th.

We definately have a great chance at getting full home field advantage!

good game, and good time afterwards

you guys go to pearl st. again after? I wanted to go but couldnt get a ticket. :tdown:. Im goin next week though.

There were plenty of seats in the 300’s open. :gotme:

We are already guaranteed 2 playoff home game by clinching the east. We just have to win the first one.

Sweet… now we just need to either win out or win one and get a little help and we will have full hoem field through out the playoffs.

:word: can’t wait

the 300s were open you homo

lol…im not goin and sittin in the 300s by myself. fuck that.

you know you can :snky: by us

Big game tomorrow night! First game of a home and home with Philly.

Man… I need to go to a game. I havent been to a bandits game in easily years.

This is the last home regualr season game… playoffs are next!

went to my first bandits game last weekend. It was awesome. Bandits looked great! :tup:

you if you want playoff tix let me know, i’ll hook u up!

home so soon

:word: Definately worth it.

cool, thanks man! I might take you up on that depending on the price. could be a fun evening :slight_smile: