~* The Official Buffalo Bandits Thread *~

Yell alot? Myself i am just going to cheer whoopee!!!

We are thinking - jump over the glass and run around the field :lol:

best spot for any two seats in the whole arena… 300’s :slight_smile: Add all the walk ups that will try to buy tickets… it should sell out fine.

EDIT I tried calling tickets.com to get how many tickets are left but their whole thing is automated :frowning:

Is anyone DVR’ing this thing? I absolutely must have this on a dvd or at the very least on my computer. If you DVR it please put it somewhere where I can get to it.

I have to try to get back home to set up the DVD Recorder. Home I can get back there… grrr.

That was the worst game I have ever seen or been to. Where the hell was our team? We played amazing all year and have it come to this? Great way to show to the country how good we could be. “Hey, here’s an idea… let’s put Deitrich back in.” WORST COACHING MOVE EVER!

Close this thread… the season ended with our heads up our asses.

our team sucked last night.
our officials sucked last night.
i hate a lot of the fans there.

I still have it on DVR if you want it. I’m guessing, “NO”.

We got outcoached by a mile, guys dropping balls, not getting to the loose ones, the whole goaltending situation, bad officiating, Steinhaus taking bad shot after bad shot… the list goes on to why we had no chance last night.

Steenhaus better learn to pass

Actually he had like 3x as many passes last night, which I believe is one of the problems. That guy can shoot… LET HIM!!! Obviously no one else was putting anything in, let tha house shoot…


good season though. i guess

Not when there are two or three guys on him and yet he still insists on making something happen on his own. He’s got to learn to pass in those situations.

Orange shoes dont guarantee a breakaway goal.

i would agree with you there.

they were just playing sloppy, droppin balls missing rebounds, & shitty passing.

Did anyone see the shot at the ref at the end of the game before the last bandits goal? it was wayy left of the net… at the corner ref… i Laughed at it.

Does anyone else get a bit annoyed at the bandits goalie’s stance during a bandit possesion? leaning on the net with your legs crossed when your down by such a margin kinda irks me.

his pimp lean doesn’t bother me when he makes 60 saves though.

:word: He’s always done that. It would be weird if he didn’t.

what a waste of getting seats on the glass. any way i can get a copy of the game???

I didn’t keep the DVD. It’s probably over written by now.