The ***"OFFICIAL"*** Bullshit Thread

Keep your knickers on there sister.

First he came after the cigarettes. Then the trans-fats. Then the super-sized drinks. Now, Mayor Michael Bloomberg is coming after the elevators.

City officials announced a new initiative this afternoon aimed at encouraging office workers to take the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Under legislation proposed by the mayor, all new buildings and buildings undergoing major renovation would be required to give occupants access to at least one stairwell, as well as post signs near elevators pointing to nearby stairs.

Another bill would increase the visibility of stairwells by permitting the use of hold-open devices on doors that would close automatically in case of an emergency.

“Whether you’re tall or short, fat or thin, you’ll be healthier and you’ll live longer if you’re more active. But the problem is we’ve been lulled into a sedentary lifestyle,” said Department of Design and Construction Commissioner David Burney at a Manhattan press conference at The New School. In too many buildings, the stairs are hard to find, kept locked, armed with alarms, or dark and windowless–making people afraid to use them, Health Commissioner Thomas Farley said. The programs are designed to change that, he said.

As part of the effort, officials also announced the creation of the “Center for Active Design,” a non-profit organization that will be tasked with finding ways to design healthier buildings, promote public transit and create more inviting outdoor spaces for activity. Mr. Bloomberg also announced a new executive order requiring all agencies to use these strategies when performing new construction or major renovations.

Mr. Bloomberg, who said he personally almost always uses the stairs–and doesn’t stand still when he’s on an escalator–said that part of the challenge was to make being active hipper for young people across the city.

“What we’ve got to do is just make it cool–if you will–or socially more the norm to exercise, and that’s what you see here,” he explained. “The whole idea is not to change what you have to do, but to give you the idea and the impetus to do something that is in your best interest.”

And–seemingly anticipating more headlines decrying his nanny state efforts—Mr. Bloomberg argued that they are in fact extremely popular, and one of the reasons why the city’s doing so well.

“Somebody asked me the other day: ‘Well isn’t all this nanny … stuff hurting business?’ And I pointed out we had a record number of companies moving here, we had record-number of private sector jobs here, we had record-number of tourists.”

“Stop me when you get bored,” he added. “I mean, these are things that most people like.”

If you lined the staircases with naked virgins and twinkies I doubt people would still try to use them.

So now the police have decided to pickup a vette as a use for promotional purposes for anti drug and anti gang programs. They claim it was given to them by the Buffalo office of the DEA so there appears to be no cost involved, but there must have been some cost associated with outfitting it. How practical can this thing be for a police force, even if it is more for show than go? I know my car is fairly useless to transport much of anything and I can’t imagine this car is much different. I can see if it was being used to run down speeders as a pursuit car but this seems like someone thought it would be cool to make some headlines. They don’t spend full boat on a police cruiser, but also don’t get a vehicle that can be used like a cruiser. I can’t see the logic here.

Woah a 98 corvette?! Clearly the guy they seized it from was a drug lord, on the level of Pablo Escobar, or worse!!

It’s a good thing the government stepped in, seized all of his assets, and put a non-violent offender away at the tax payer cost of $40,000-$75,000 per year depending on his age!! I’m sure no one else is selling drugs where he used to!!!

16 prior convictions and 4 of them felonies. He’ll probably serve less than 2 out of his 15 max possible sentence by the time the judge doesn’t sentence to anywhere near the max and he gets early release.

^But keep the drug consumers locked up indefinitely…

They always hide in a closet. Good thing cops aren’t trained to look there.

Oh, absolutely! Guys that have multiple violent felonies get a slap on the wrist, while someone that sells coke gets the “mandatory minimum” even if the judge decides for less, his hands are tied

There needs to be a serious reworking of sentencing, but it’ll never happen. The war on drugs is big money. It’s never really been about getting drugs off of the streets

I know you’re getting all this from the documentary “the house i live in”

but in reality, drugs fucking suck, I firmly believe drug users should be locked up when caught… (but I do agree that more needs to be done with their rehabilitation)

Drug users CANNOT hold down a job, and shit, crack be expensive… so where do they get the money? Oh, right, burglary,robbery,auto theft etc etc…

I’m not saying that every burglar has a drug problem, but I AM saying that 99% of hard drug addicts (unless they are wealthy from a trust fund or something) resort to some sort of crime against public to support their habit.

but, until someone comes up with a better solution… incarceration AND rehabilitation is the best way to deal with addicts.

---------- Post added at 01:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ----------

When I read the title, I didn’t think that video would get to me…but, FUCK.

$53 a month. and she destroyed that house. people are fucking disgusting. I know there are people on here who say every person is a good person deep down inside, and they just had a troubled life, but NO, some people just don’t deserve to live, they are a waste of oxygen, and, in this case, a waste of tax payers money.

This is one of the main reasons I never had interest in owning rental properties. Let me preclude this by saying no offense to those who do have rentals, some of you on here I know personally. People who don’t own shit and had to work to get it, don’t fucking care. Even more so those who don’t own shit and have the government paying for them to live in something they don’t own. If you don’t work for something and put in your own sweat and work, you can’t appreciate it. I also feel bad for the homeowner but I can’t believe he’d actually rent that thing out to Section 8 !! The place was fantastic and you had to know something like this was going to happen. One of my employees had a rental and he would constantly tell me how his tenants were fucking him over on the house, rent, maintenance, etc.

Am I reading this right? Off duty police officers are working in full uniform?

Tonawanda, NY (WIVB) – It’s that time of year again - full of frights at haunted house. But this season already started with some fights. Police say it’s a common problem with large crowds.

At FrightWorld’s Tonawanda location on Eggert Road at Sheridan Drive, General Manager Stephen Szortyka says, they’ve assembled a team of off-duty police to provide security.

Story continues below

“Amherst Police opened up a security company that utilizes their Amherst Police officers off-duty, in full uniform,” Szortyka explains. “So we utilize them. And we’re utilizing [Town of] Tonawanda [Police] as well.”

Let me remind you why drugs are so expensive- people take a huge risk to get drugs into the hands of the users. 99% of the time they are not caught, and are handsomely rewarded. If you take away that huge risk, the market gets flooded with supply, demand stays the same, price drops significantly. Lower cost would mean LESS thieving, correct?

Most of the time when arrests are made, it’s for a low level user or dealer. The Feds are not locking up Pablo Escobar type dealers on a regular basis.

The only time drug use will disappear is if there is no demand, and that will never happen.

If you’re locking up people who aren’t murderers, rapists, or thieves, who is the real criminal?

95% of the stuff posted in this forum belongs in this thread.

That’s bullshit.

Sorry, 99%.

Even though it appears CPS more than dropped the ball with this poor little kid, and not do take any blame from the worthless piece of shit fuckin scumbag who beat him to death, but where the fuck was this kid’s mother to kick the asshole “boyfriend” out (or in jail) and allowing this to go on?

Do politicians not have time to deal with anything else or do they just have a list of bullshit legislation they need to introduce. Would all existing vehicles need to have these retrofitted and would all new vehicles be required to be delivered with them? I’m sure there would be some sort of inspection process and fines associated for non-compliance. Does this never end?

Why don’t we just implement a 3 strike rule. Three dumb things done, you get executed. I bet NY starts becoming more alert.