The ***"OFFICIAL"*** Bullshit Thread

You would wipe out 90% of the population in the state and there would be zero politicians left. Implement this on a national scale and it would look like “I am Legend” around here.

Oh, I’m sorry. I thought repeated blows to the head were good for me. I just figured it was only bad for boxers and knockout game victims.

You say this like it would be a bad thing…

Those monsters were scary!

The current ones in Albany and Washington are worse.

I wanted to scare my son on Halloween, I jumped out of the closet dressed as a politician. Later that night I crept out from under his bed as an attorney . He’s currently seeing three counselors.

I just took half my kid’s candy and gave it to kids too lazy to go out trick or treating. Welcome to working for a living.

Nothing like being accused twice before and now a third time and still getting paid.

In one example, a 220 pound teacher sued the school district saying he was beaten up by a first grader.

You have a woman that’s suing NYPD for essentially saving her from her own attempted suicide

Elia Dias, a 400 pound felon sued the city Department of Correction for $1 million saying he suffered ‘mental anguish’ because the city didn’t have prison clothes big enough for him.

Lol. rob ford? Or this tea party conservative?

is this thread reserved for goverment employee related things or can a woman stabbing 3 people to death at Wal-Mart with a home-made shank over an Xbox worthy of this thread?

As ridiculously easy as it would me to believe this is a true story, at least one web site claims it may not be. If it turns out to be true, yes Bing, this is the right place.

Nope, I’m not guilty. Wasn’t me. Didn’t happen. Doctored video. I wasn’t there. EMT’s making it up. Using the Corasanti Defense. Too bad Dracula isn’t his lawyer too.

A judge on Wednesday ordered a Texas teenager who was sentenced to 10 years’ probation in a drunken-driving crash that killed four people to go to a rehabilitation facility paid for by his parents.

Judge Jean Boyd again decided to give no jail time for Ethan Couch, defense attorney Reagan Wynn and prosecutors told reporters after the hearing, which was closed to the public. Prosecutors had asked Boyd to sentence him to 20 years in state custody on charges related to two people who were severely injured.

The sentence stirred fierce debate, as has the testimony of a defense expert who says Couch’s wealthy parents coddled him into a sense of irresponsibility. The expert termed the condition “affluenza.

…Are you fucking kidding me? They’re not even trying to be subtle about it anymore, they just took personal responsibility out back and put a bullet in its head.


The New AR-15 Design is Compliant with “SAFE Act” and Has Gun Control Activists in a Tizzy


Guy who bought my house this past summer called my cell last week and left me a message that my bank sent an envelope to his house (my old house) with “Time Sensitive Material Enclosed: Open Immediately” on the envelope. Left it in the mailbox for me so I could drop by and pick it up. Turns out it was my bank notifying me that they recently updated my new mailing address (cause I stopped by the branch a week earlier to update it so he’d stop receiving my mail) and where did they send the notification…my old address. I’m thinking of switching banks.

Its common for places to send stuff like that to the old address that way if it was fraud you would know
I’m sorry. I thought we were all really focusing on the clever rhymes in their cheer routines and their sparkling smiles. Can’t wait till strippers start their lawsuits.

Linky not found.