The Official Callout/Kill Thread

OK I’ll race you to my driveway… I WIN! God I hate shift518 callouts :rofl

does or did that truck ever have spray??

hahaha… it is F&R body shop’s… look it up. I just saw it all redone a few weeks ago. I think drag sleds are stupid… but they are fast

its like fighting with retards in here sometimes…even if you win, you still lose

not sayin

What’s he puttin nitro through that thing

my post still got ignoreddddddddddddddddddddddd

diff motor set up

theres a difference between what it should run and what it does run…you car runs good no doubt but i should run better…if i ran the amount of spray you are putting to it and it held together for 1320 i’d be all of 8’s

hahhaha i want to smoke the same thing you are on…lmao

amount of spray? dude, you are cluless. I put BABY shots through my car. Every car one this forum has seen it perform on a 100 shot. Thats not shit for what I can put through it.

and I dont think you realize that it would take a 700+rwhp gain to go from 9.5’s to 8’s…

noone on here has seen my car , with a real shot thru it either

the guy is putting all of what 150 shot to it??? god damn that’d be 2x what im spraying now…ive got a 70-80 shot in er now…thatd be a fuckload of n20…your talking almost 320-330 hop…god damn…thats all of 7’s newb

Some serious numbers being dropped on this mystery…machine.

not if your 800 lbs ASSHOLE!!!

So much talk in ITT. Saying something should run 9.xx and actually running it are totally different

its not a mystery

I think its fucking HILARIOUS that you are calling people out, and are completely clueless on whats actually going on, under our hoods.

you need to walk, before you can run the 100 yard dash.

Youre calling him a newb and speaking of your " car " no one has seen or know anything about. How is that making him a newb? Now its running 7’s with an 800 shot of hydrogen peroxide.
