The Official $1003 performance build off

a sweet nonghey custom title?

lol, I bought the whole car for $1100.00. then i scrapped the shell. Soooo the way i see it it qualifies. Sure the market value is higher but it did only cost me that much money. Sooo technically it qualifies buuuuuut, if people wanna be wet socks they can get into a pissing match about whos car is worth more then the budget regardless of good deals, and finds then so be it. :wink:

u got to do it monster garage style…free bees dont count against anything

Oh hell no! Just because they get a free 572ci crate motor, doesn’t mean the car cost less than $3k to build. I started to hate Monstar Garage when they started that shit.

No Freebies.

hahah here free rims and wheels!

and a new motor! Wow. Freebies up the ass on Monster Garage.
They set a goal. But when you start throwing in freebies then it doesn’t become a goal anymore. You’d really want to see what they could do with whatever money. The paintjob alone at the end of the show would cost way over their budget

Does it really have to be a team of 5 people though. I’d almost rather do solo, or just 2 people. Is the 5 people going to be a requirement?

Agreed on the “fair market” value. Would be crazy to allow freebies MG style, would just throw the entire balance off and would be as fair to those that don’t happen to have fancy parts laying around.

I’m with Fuzzy - it should be a MAX of 5 people per team.


thats the fairest way to do the pricing and what not, would allow people to get parts at good prices but they would take a hit in the end if the value of the car was over the allotted price

in theory it could be fun, but many aspects of it could prove difficult:

who is going to put it on their insurance and register it? is this included in the cost, or are they going to be off-road track only cars and need to be trailered?

it could be impossible to accurately monitor everyones spending. just about anyone will write a bill of sale for whatever you ask for, especially if its a cheap shitter car.

well, heres how we had it figured out for our 'group":

we put it on whoevers insurance is already the lowest, and we only put liability on it, and when you buy the car, you have to, along with you recipt, submit the original add where you found it. if the add states that the car is $900 and you show a recipt for $300, then something in up with that. BUT, if you and add for $900 and the recipt says $700 then i think thats perfectly reaosnable. we’d also have to use the honor system here as well.

damn my rusted out winter car would have been perfect. $650 car with a shaved head, ton of mods, suspension, etc

yeah, the fuel mileage test implies that the cars would be registered, insured, street legal. :shrug:

if this does happen we should make a video of it. i would be willing to take one team as long as someone else would be willing to take another. it would be kick ass to see each car from start to finish

What do you think an 06 Vette w/ slicks($200),Used 150 shot($500),Tune($303) would put down?Should be good for close to 500rwhp, and would guess high 10’s until the rear end gave out.
Edit: LOL I didn’t read price of car included.Sry

I know, it would be rediculous to go by the tow vehicle’s fuel mileage for that test.


someone can tape our team

One thing I think should be realized, this is supposed to be for fun, not for drama. I would hate it if we had to deal with people lying about prices and all so that they can get around the rules and have an extremely high advantage over the honest people. BTW, I’ve been planing a setup since I read this yesterday, I’m pretty excited.

We should also have an independent series of judges who deem what is allowed, how much parts actually cost, and so forth…

i would be down for it, but money is an obvious issue for me, and time might be even worse lol. but its def. something i would enjoy being a part of.