The official parking lot assholes thread

Good selection at that store

There’s a special place in hell for this guy

At least it looks like he’s at the back of the lot.

It’s a gym, the lot is full all the way to the back, and was more full when I got out.

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Burn him at the stake then haha.

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Yep, straight to hell. All the way down to the hottest room.

Ahh yes truck bros. Never understood why someone would daily a full size pickup. Giant waste of money IMO

My wife daily’s a full sized SUV because we need one of our cars to be able to tow. It would be a much bigger waste to have a 3rd vehicle to reg, insure, store and maintain.


I have found that living on Lockport has effected me.

It is difficult to keep my car parallel to the lines in parking lots now. I used to notice it all the time when we moved here. Now I get it. If it is in the yellow lines no more Fs to give.

I have a POS Envoy that has been “on the road” all year, but spend a majority of it on jack stands in my driveway. (Lockport… am I right?) I bet anyone that has driven down Tonawanda creek rd would know my house if I described it.

Now that I finally replaced the transmission lines so that it drives again and I can put the C300 on stands for a month.

Not the best pic but you get it

I have a POS Envoy that has been “on the road” all year, but spend a majority of it on jack stands in my driveway. (Lockport… am I right?) I bet anyone that has driven down Tonawanda creek rd would know my house if I described it.

I know that house. Cars on jackstands are the least of your worries.


I move them around and they all have plates. One more car, and I could have a spare for the whole family.

The Cavalier is even out front now, but only because I think the fuel pump died trying to move the sludge.

Just busting balls. I have no idea where you live. :slight_smile:

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And this is before the wedding reception

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Appreciate the contribution!

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does the 2nd picture load?
I can’t see it now.

Oh yeah it did. That white truck is def an asshole

Happy Christmas make up day
The mini-van was moved upon request.