The Pitman Files: NYPD declares martial law in Brooklyn

On the heels of three nights of protests over the police slaying of 16 year old Kimani Gray, the NYPD has turned the East Flatbush neighborhood of Brooklyn into a State of Exception, claiming emergency powers to suspend the constitutional guarantees of the citizenry.

The people regularly targeted by police harassment and violence, overwhelmingly the city’s poor and minority populations, have taken to the streets to speak out against the NYPD’s draconian tactics. The police have in turn responded with even further harsh measures by suppressing the right of the people to voice dissatisfaction with that very same police force.
Cops kettled protesters at Wednesday night’s candlelight vigil, resulting in 46 arrests. Police even arrested Kimani Gray’s distraught sister, Mahnefeh.
The NYPD euphemistically calls the public spaces in which the Constitutional rights of the people are suspended “frozen zones.”

Allison Kilkenny wrote about the NYPD’s so-called “frozen zones” in December 2011:
“The ‘frozen zone’ is an arbitrary, official police business-sounding title that has absolutely zero legal merit. It’s something the NYPD made up, just as the ‘First Amendment zone’ is something [Los Angeles Mayor Antonio] Villaraigosa made up to suppress media coverage of the Occupy raids.”

According to FIERCE, the “frozen zone” in East Flatbush is being used to prevent media from covering the protests and arrests. Meanwhile, people inside the “frozen zone” can be subjected to arrest merely by exercising their constitutional rights.

“According to FIERCE, the “frozen zone” in East Flatbush is being used to prevent media from covering the protests and arrests. Meanwhile, people inside the “frozen zone” can be subjected to arrest merely by exercising their constitutional rights.”

i didnt get a chance to read it yet but i read what you posted and i dont like the ending of that

pitman u do know that is what marshal law means right?

here’s what I know

  1. kid pulls 38 caliber revolver at cops
    2)cops shoot kid, he dies
  2. protests erupt in violence, destroying a cvs and assaulting many other people.
    4)mom gets interviewed and calls for no further violence and disturbances
    5)people continues violence and disruptions.

summary: if you pull a gun on the cops, or hopefully any other conceal carry owner, you will be shot at. if you dont pull a gun, you dont get shot at. sometimes when you get shot at you die thats how it works. dont pull a gun on the cops…

Only a slightly sensationalized article.


Smart post. Would be nice if more people posted common sense shit like this more often here.

White kid pulls a gun out and starts shooting at a cop in colonie off of osborne rd last year…

White cop shoots him in the head.

No riots, kid dies, kid doesnt shoot at cop ever again.

NYPD declares martial law

lol How ironic. Its cool tho words don’t have meaning, we can just make up shit.


Boy’s death was just an excuse to loot.