The Ricer in 2008:

looks good,

jolster drove all the way to STM, whata guy:rx3:

i must agree, slicks look sexy indeed

very fine lady you have there

I hope you guys are caging it… with vito running nyirp he’ll probably be enforcing the cage thing as he can make money on the side.

We will be able to cage anything in the near future. We are getting a tube bender soon. Nick is pretty good with cages. He built dave moffits and Mikes when they had them done at procar.


ooohh, thats a damned good point. :uhh:

the best area cage builder was in my garage last night.

jason vitez racecars :tup:

“Nick” ? I don’t remember a nick at ProCar … and I’m pretty sure Randy did mine.

Nope, Nick did yours.

pictures of said Nick (to see if I remember seeing him)?

can i get a cage made n how much?

Only picture I can find

Stop by the shop, hes here pretty much everyday.

Varies between cars, cage preferences, and we currently don’t have the bender. Definatly something you should call us up to discuss time and price!

507-8122 is the shop phone. here from 10-8pm M-F

ok cool i will deff call you guys. anyone i should ask for? my name is jay

Give us a little time. We need to get the bender before we can do anything. I should be ordering it this week.


I would also be interested in cage pricing.




Hoosiers on all four corners… I love it. As business as a black three-piece and a deglossed Beretta.