The rich don't pay their fair share in taxes!!

If the public schools got crappier, the price of Nardin would go up as more people went private. Supply and demand. Also, your local school district would have to supply her her own short bus to go to and from. Once the current generation of Yankees turned southern transplants start demanding the quality of education in the south for their kids that they received, the gap will level out. Better schools help everyone.

What is your point about getting crappier?
If my taxes are lower and my kid goes private, publics schools will get crappier?

They’re not going to lower taxes just for you. If everyones taxes were lower, then yes public schools would get crappier.

By the way, do you know who accepts jobs in private schools? A lot more “C’s = Degrees” education majors than “Best & Brightest.” Not to mention that they always turn the girls into the freakiest of sluts.

So now your saying that teachers in private schools are bad teachers?

Far from it. But private schools aren’t the be-all-end-all of educational greatness.

Agreed. Our kids have done both, however, they’re in public school now.

I didn’t say they are, I just want to choose more easily.
You and I are different, I have enough self confidence to make decisions and you seem to think the governemnt is smarter than you.:gotme:
That is the main reason you are a democrat.
You just need a little boost in self esteem.:smiley:
You can do it Joe!

“Being able to choose” would undermine the whole system. I haven’t been to a doctor in a year. I’ve paid in $1000 for my health insurance so far, and my employer close to $5000. Can I just get that in cash and pay for my medical care, or lack thereof? What about car insurance, can I skip that too since I’ve never made a claim in 6 years? You have no idea how expensive school would be if it was paid for on a per-child basis. Ever hear of adverse selection?

Definitely for the past 8 years you can say that. :bloated:

This seem’s to make sense, as far as nys taxes go. A 3000 Sq Ft house is a pretty decent sized house and 15 acres is a lot of land, although I’ll admit I don’t know much about Buffalo suburbs and their property taxes. I mean it could honestly be worse though, I think my parents pay something like 30+ every year.

OK, I am not going to :deadhorse2:. I have said before(in other threads) that the government should stay out of education.

OK. But pics of daughter in private school uniform will be required when she hits HS.

Theres a good story developing about combining a lot of districts together, this wouldn’t lay off teacher but instead combine services and administriations. There is no reason why a district like sweethome should exist when it should be part of the Amherst or williamsville district, or combine all three and eliminate all the useless school board members and superintendents, it would save hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

^Speaking of that, there has been talk in East Aurora about combining village(EA) and town(Aurora) govt.
It makes sense so… it probably won’t happen.

That is hardly a rational comparison.

You aren’t going to accidentally need a school… :picard:

Don’t be so sure, while I think districts like Buffalo should be seperate there is quite a bit of talk now about doing what most states already do.

<---- Who ever changed my title gave me an idea.
I will drop off $38.00 in pennies everyday to the town.
I’ll show those bastards!

Edit: Wow, $38.36 per day really puts it into perspective. Just to live on my own private property!?!? I am telling you this is communism no matter how you try to label it.

if they get rid of the cops and fire department, you have more to lose :stuck_out_tongue:

Amazing how every other state manages to have police and fire with 1/4th the taxes NY does though.

2 of my best friends are EA cops, it makes for great bar room politics when I tell them that I pay them way too much.:smiley: