It(taxes) is like taking candy from a baby in NY though.
remember that he built this house.
The town was recieveing $700 / year from that property before AWD built his house.
The town was accounting for $700 a year from Mike, and they were doing fine with budgeting based on that.
He really is giving them a donation of $13,300.
I guess I pretty much screwed myself because I am tied to this state at this point.
My advice to young people is GTFO NOW while you can!!!
Seriously, even if it was just a fleeting thought at one point, you should reconsider and GTFO now.
The older you get, the more ties you have here.
i’ve been contemplating getting out of here for a few years. Had jobs for me and my fiance lined up in NC, but declined it due to a nice promotion at work here…then went and bought a house.
Now i’m partially considering it again…but have no idea where to go. I know those same jobs in NC are few and far between now.
I really need to get into a job doing some form of fiberglass fabrication. Something I love to do, but I wouldnt even know how/who/where to start at trying to fins something like that, with decent pay
^Think of NY as a burning building, you don’t need a destination before you leave, just go anywhere else and you will be better off.
Wow that was a good one, anyone is welcome to use that quote.:thankyou:
I 100% understand what you’re saying but what else is going on in that area? Are you’re daily living expenses the same as here? probably not. All I am saying is there are a million factors that make it impossible to rate “the best place to live”, otherwise, everyone would live there. :lol:
thats one…
theres another big one… many more, all I’m saying is that there is good and bad everywhere. I’ll take the hit on taxes, which don’t forget, help you on your income taxes. All in all it is one gigantic circlejerk that not even the smartest economist could definitively give you an answer.
^ I here you but it just goes against my grain to give my money to the govt.:biglaugh:
If bread and milk costs more in Pennsultucky then I would rather give my money to the farmer than the tax man in NY.
I have friends that could retire on their real estate gains in other states even with the current situation.
So how cheap is it to live in WNY when your real esate has only gained as much as you have paid in property taxes?
That’s what happened on my last house.
WNY on the whole is pretty well insulated from national markets… you should’ve known this years ago.
I think that your :tinfoilhat: is on a little too tight.
I did know this but I already had “other” ties to WNY when I was younger and “less informed”.
BUT the state has gotten worse over the years to the point where young people can leave now based on the incredible imbalance(sp) to other states.
The govt may be secretly be tightening my :tinfoilhat: when I am sleeping.
I’m stuck here for similar reasons, for at least a few more years.
The taxes here are just fucking retarded. No one in public life is even willing to talk about why. In case you don’t know, it’s the goddamn public employee unions. That’s at the local/state level. At the Federal level, just you wait and see what happens if Billary or especially Barrack H. Obama get elected. They are going to go after all of us “rich white men” who are the cause of all the problems in the US and even the whole rest of the world, at least in the eyes of BHO, his pastor, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Osama Bama Bin Laden, et al.
IOW, you aint seen nuthin yet.
Well, it just came in.
$7130 for school taxes.
This is after the lowering of my assessment.
The irony is that I will probably send my daughter ICC school(recently ranked #1), not public school.
I need a drink.
I really feel bad for you I mean seriously… building your own home and having to pay taxes on it… OOOOOOOOOOOOOO MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GOSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Should have done your research
You are a retard.
Well if you can afford it right. More money = More problems.
How much was it lowered total after the assessment?
Truth x 100.
The assessors office was very good at never giving me exact amounts.
I could have pushed them but, they already seemed annoyed and I really didn’t want to piss them off because they basically have you by the balls.
I thought it would be a little under $14,000 but then I started to realize the numbers they gave me did not include a couple of additional taxes I have to pay.
Why would they not give me the total I will never know.
If someone walks in and asks what their taxes are wouldn’t you assume they would give the total?
There are plenty of other homes in EA that don’t pay anywhere near what I pay but could get a higher selling price.
I think I mentioned this before but, the new homes carry a HUGE load.
Maybe they are trying to “take care of” the longtime residents.
Check out this mansion/estate right down the street from my house.
The taxes are 40% lower!!!
Like I said before, I would not be bitching if I only had to pay $10,000 or so.
My salary thanks you for paying your taxes.
^Ohh, I see, that explains your socialist ideals.
Now it all makes sense.
I can now assume you are getting paid twice what you should and that is why you don’t mind taxes because it shouldn’t have been your money to begin with.
Here’s another…
u complain alot.