The S12


thanks i didnt know Sean lol

wow this thread is starting to suck no comments hahaha

no pics = no comments

^ agreed

what i have just recently put up like 10 pics and nothing lol meh cars getting wiring done when its back ill snap more pictures of work

Car is almost done being wired up comes home on monday !!!
Pictures will be uploaded after the parts arrive
Parts day !

all new and ordered

  • 52" steel braided master to slave clutch line
  • new clutch slave
  • new exhaust
  • new best pipe
  • new egr blocking plate
  • s12 clutch pedal ABOUT FUCKIN TIME I FOUND ONE !!!
  • new oem s12 clutch master
  • new clutch

Theres 5 s12’s at b+D autowreckers brandon. Numerous 5spders. Told you 191919191919times.

first time ive heard of these cars were is b+d autowreckers

pics as promised

Is that exhaust big? i cant tell.

So the shop didn’t do anything to my car and told me my cars not worth there time, so with that said the cars coming home today and im going to start to work on it and get what i can get done while i can until Neutral Ally can get some free time to lend a hand for the wiring.

new shift knob its smittys old one shit looks like new.

also Ziggy from RTMracing dropped off my new clutch slave.

the thought of an s13 dash has ran through my mind alot lately, can some one measure one for me please.

build has come to a screeching stop, I cant do anything any further till i have my wiring done now.

i’ll take some measurements i’ve still got my 180sx dash… and i’m a fan of dash swaps lol

Wha happened at Techincal Tuning?

cars almost running finially got my clutch pedal in and throttle cable. just waiting on a speed sensor from nissan and figuring out the last of the wiring issues.