The Scene

Well as we all know over the last few years, since the demise of APG forums the scene has never been the same. After the death of Kohls and McD’s we are even struggling to get together a crew of 10 people to hang out on a regular night.

The funny thing is, we have no shortage of people into the scene or cars that are fast in a straight line, turns or just straight up show cars.

Between a civic that runs 10’s, a ridiculous STi, and some serious show cars there should be no reason for upstate NY scene to be big again.

With Synapse pumping out turbo civics like no tomorow, JVG Motorsports doing better everyday and the other stores in the upstate we can have a really good scene.

But we need you to do your part to help support the scene and all the local businesses that depend on it.

For starters, we need a central gathering place online - which is what Shift518 is striving to become, the replacement for the old APG forums, we’re keeping it nice and simple. Free and uncluttered with just the basic stuff.

Secondly we need to get all the members we can here so we can grow, the more members the faster the growth the more the word gets spread out.

Thirdly, the paper will keep getting distributed in more and more locations.

Finally we need a central meeting spot, or at least some sort of arrangements on when to meet where.

Between the hoffmans, wendy’s and walmart.

Any more comments about the scene and how to make it better?

I just read that whole thing in a Russian Accent.


We here at Shift518 will try our best to revive the scene next year, to bring it back to the glory days.

There is no reason that we can’t have a strong scene like NYC or West coast, people with cars are people with cars no matter where you are.

Season 08…expect
Cruises put on the right way - half bike half cars, in big numbers with food breaks and photoshoot stops along the way.
Chill and grills put on the regular bases, with our friends at JVG.
Car show, SCCA, LVD and meets coverage in the print version and online.
Give aways, contests and competitions.
And more. :wink:

Im pretty much betting on the scene coming through right now, and do everything I can to help strenthen it.
If I succeed, the results will be great.
If I fail, I can say I gave it a shot and cut the losses. :-\

Now lets get some more members on here, and get this jumpoff going lol ;D

Just joined…glad to find a local forum again!!!

For meets there is almost a good place on rt5. Right before BigJ’s they are almost done building HomeDepot or Lowes there, but it looks like it wont be open for at least a month cuz they got to bring in the products before they open it up. The parking lot is new and fresh there, and its far back so I don’t think there will be much cops driving by.

The last time I ever remember the scene being good was 6 years ago and that was before I think you were even into it. I’ve been out of it for a long time and there’s a perfectly good reason. You have too many idiots that have ruined hang out spots like the Hoffman car wash (6 years ago) and Kurver, then Target, then Kohls and McDonalds. No matter what your always going to have an uphill battle with it and more people who are going to eventually shy away from the scene all together.

Well the way I see it, idiots are everywhere. Albany or cali. If they can deal with them there, we can deal with them here.

So more people get on here, and have a central place to discuss everything, we could really pull it off.