The Shop CT-stay away

I know nothing about it. In response to alex’s car being tuned on the brink of explosion like krazy said i highly doubt that.

Neither eric’s nor alex’s cars were tuned on the brink of explosion, nor was it what they asked for. And if alex’s tune was anything like erics tune which i would imagine it is close, it wasn’t even in the ball park of a mildly aggressive. Pushing the envelope of power and 500+hp per liter doesnt mean you are tuning them on the brink of explosion sure you might break parts, but they can be tuned in a safe zone still.

Now the superchargers and turbocharger kits that come with locked systems are typically very limited, you aren’t paying for a tuning service like travis, you payed for the kit and the parts/tune to make the kit run on a stock engine. not for the service or a tunable EMS. Those kits do come with very conservative tuning solutions out of the box, that have limited adjustment for the same reasons everyone listed they don’t want anyone messing with it. If it came with an AEM EMS or something of the like that, and the software wouldn’t allow me to use the AEM EMS unless they touched it then we have a different story.

I guess it all depends on how the tuner handled the transaction if you bought an EMS that can be end user adjusted, and the tuner didnt tell you that you wont be able to make those adjustments then there is a problem. If you knew up front and accepted it that then so be it. At least you made the choice.