Well this administration is 100% full of shit, so it wouldn’t be surprising
very excited about him testing positive since he will easily beat it and really isn’t sick at all.
it’s important for everyone to know how insignficiant the virus is.
I know a couple guys, mid 40s, who would beg to differ - because they’re dead from covid
Latest mortality rate from CDC is down to 0.26%, basically the same as a bad flu season. So yes, its now insignificant unless your over 60 with comorbidities. Sorry for your friends in the 40s but they’re by far the exception. mortality in that age group is .05%.
People die.
That’s a thing.
Like, literally all the time. People died just now while reading this.
Want to know how to NOT die from Covid? - Get healthy. Stop eating bad shit. Start taking vitamins. Start exercising. If you have a prior condition? Don’t go out in public.
It’s not rocket surgery.
This guy at my gym bought 7 generators because he read that on the night of the election the US power grid will be hacked.
He showed me a picture of all 7 generators.
I must say I kind of feel like buying a generator now, not so much about the power grid hacking but just to have one.
I can’t imagine having my tinfoil hat on so tight that I’d run out and buy thousands of dollars of generators over some stupid shit I read online about the grid getting hacked on election night.
That said, I have a generator that I bought it during the October storm. So come election night my house will have the lights on regardless.
He has converted a large portion of his 401K (He’s in his late 50s) to physical gold and silver.
He also has 6 months worth of gasoline. Obviously has guns and ammo lol
See that’s the alpha move. Find out who’s stockpiling dumb shit and then just go and take it by force if they are unarmed.
I don’t need to be stockpiling…I need my neighbor to be stockpiling…lol
i have also been thinking it’s a good idea to do the generator route.
thankfully Canada hasn’t gone full California yet though.
I really hope this isn’t a giant nothingburger
havent seen a single msm network pick it up yet. must be true-ish and needs time to spin.
Should be interesting tonight. Let’s see how fucked we are if Biden wins, since Harris would clearly be president once Biden croaks.
Harris is going to put him in a body bag
How democratic of her.
i would not be surprised if Kamala roughed up Pence a little bit. At least it will be more civil.
also, @Onyx_Z32 can we link the .ca over to this thread?
Terrorist in chief