The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

So how much longer can Biden continue to hide from his Ukraine mess?

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s "never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

That’s really damning stuff. I’m sure most of the MSM will dismiss it of course.

That is the answer.

Some pretty big names are covering this today, besides the Fox link I posted:

And now the senate is involved:

And social media has officially started blocking links to the NY Post story:


It might help if the emails weren’t comically bad forgeries…

What are the odds a scandal comes to light right during/after the election that provides Biden a chance to step down and award the presidency to a democratic appointed vp.

It’s clear the post has an entire dump of Hunter’s iCloud.

Curious how much longer the rest of the media can keep ignoring this, especially with other people in the email chains confirming them.

CBS finally asked Biden about it and of course he blew up. It’s stunning to me that most of the MSM refuses to even mention it.

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I can only imagine what’s coming in the next couple weeks on this…

People seem to forget that if you’ve been following this story each of these incremental revelations only serve to re-inforce everything that preceeded it. none of this is new, it’s just confirmation.

Pizzagate, pt. 2

I am looking forward to hearing from my wife about our Canadian friends less passive and more aggressive commentary on Facebook about our furor Trumps debate performance.

Must be a soft spot for crack smokers in the political environment.

I will be voting early to offset my in-laws as it seems.

I need help offset the rest of the fam. Anyone have 6-10 people i can borrow to offset the rest?


Who’s excited for this week?!

It’s going to be a shit show lol

obviously im hopeful but i would certainly like for this all to be over so that we can move on with the next 4 years or so.

I drove through several towns in NY yesterday and there were many Trump car parades. Long lines of Trump flags & floats all over the place.

In Plattsburgh there were 50+ trump supporters on side of a main road, and literally only 2 Biden supporters. Some guy was dressed as Gene Simmons with MAGA gear, lol.

My Canadian wife thinks all of this is incredible since politics is so passive up there.

I’m not a big believer in the whole, “look at all these people showing up at rallies, Trump is gonna win” theories. The Buffalo Bills fill that stadium every Sunday (before Covid) but it doesn’t mean everyone in WNY loves football. Rabid fans is the not the same as widespread support.

That said, I have a gut feeling Trump wins despite the polls. I think the last 2 years of cancel culture where expressing support for the president puts your family, property and career at risk have broken polling beyond repair.

I’m nervous but cautiously optimistic. I’d be less nervous if I honestly thought Biden had a chance in hell of serving a 4 year term. He’s definitely not my guy, but he’s not a fringe candidate by any measure. Harris however is a radical by every definition and in all likelihood if Biden wins we’ll be looking at 3 years of “President Harris” at a minimum.

I think with all the violence and cancel culture bullshit, the real trump voters are not as vocal in their support, but when they come out to vote it’s a done deal. What happens when you show your support for trump…you know, our current PRESIDENT? You get shunned by family, you get harassed by friends and co-workers, you GET SHOT IN THE CHEST, you get chased through public places.

So idk, it felt good to check that box as a FUCK YOU to all the retards who act like cunt rags when you mention that you DON’T want Biden.

That’s where I think we’ll see a big turnout, the shamed Trump supporters.

It’s refreshing to see civil discussion in here. I can’t post anything on facebook or face the consequences lol.

Just a thought here, maybe one of you gents has the answer…

Supposedly there have already been INSANE numbers of early voters and mail in ballots. I don’t doubt this at all, as I voted early myself and the line was quite long. My question is this, Wouldn’t they (the people that count the votes or whatever) already know which candidate is leading or is all of that information encrypted and not available until November 3rd? And if this info is somehow available AND, Joe Biden was winning, don’t you think they would announce that on every news outlet out there?

I had wondered that too, and it appears early and mail in votes aren’t tallied until Election Day (generally)

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