The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

yes with each passing moment it is certainly leaning clearly Trump.

the chart in that NYT page that shows all the non-white categories all leaning heavy red is wild…

This is hilarious. The “most racist president” is bringing more minorities into the republican party than ever.


Holy shit.

Chinese yuan TANKING
Mexican paseo TANKING

PA is going to fuck results because of the 200k mail in ballots being counted tomorrow

Ok I voted for the …5th time now? Not once was a sticker presented to me.


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2.2 million mail in ballots in PA, I misread. Biden takes PA and wins, but not for another 3-4 days.

Fox just called AZ for Biden. Bad news for Trump.

California ruined AZ & CO. Ruining TX but still hopeful

That is so true.

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I looked on CBS

Trump is up in PA by 618,840

Uncounted is around 1,773,389.

Biden will need approx 1.2 million of them or 68%
Does that sound right or do I have some wrong numbers?

But the dems are printing them as fast as they can~

Congrats to President Biden.

WI, MI and NV are going to go Biden. That’s 270 on the dot. PA won’t matter, GA won’t matter. I have doubts Trump takes PA but let’s just leave that in the unknown camp for now and look at what do know.

Go look at what counties are left on Fox’s map. It’s really easy now because the majority are dark blue or dark red meaning they’re at 100%. The few that are light blue or light red you can hover over and see the ones that Trump is carrying just don’t have the population he needs. The ones where Biden has a solid margin have big populations.

Clark County, NV, is the only one with any population with a lot left to count and it’s 53/45 Biden. Biden already has the lead in NV and it’s only going to get bigger.

Wisconsin is down to 2 counties, both leaning Trump but with very little vote still out and they’re tiny populations. Trump is down 20k votes in WI so that’s not coming back.

Michigan Trump went from being up 200k when I went to bed at 1:30am to just 14k right now. Where is the vote left? Several tiny little counties that won’t shift much to Trump, and this beast:

Biden carrying a 67/32 margin in Detroit with only 62% in. That will easily eat up Trump’s 14k lead.

So PA doesn’t matter. They can fuck around and count until January for all it matters because the election is going to be over by end of day today.


I’m anxious to see how the democrats handle things now that they have the reigns.

Republicans will likely control the senate still, so odds are not much crazy can happen