The Trump Presidency Discussion Thread (Non-Meme version)

In this period it matters less about left/right and instead it matters more about true/false.

Not calling the grey states is right wing but also true.

So I guess Barr is a leftist antifa plant, right?

yeah DJT has been on fire today on twitter.

Barr said they hadnt seen anything but that is because they havent investigated anything yet.

hard to say at this point anyways. the people coming forth seem credible and there is a fair bit of evidence submitted but it is also apparent that it doesnt matter what is true anyways. the truth has to be combined with a pretty serious level of resources, determination and more to even get it to the right court.

it certainly is interesting to pay attention to though

I can’t even handle all the stuff coming from the MI and GA hearings this week.

If anyone’s actually curious, here’s the video everyone is talking about.


That’s a pretty damning video.

I’m not so sure. Clearly they can prove counting continued after everyone was told it would stop for the day and went home. If that isn’t enough then they’ll need to prove those ballots in the suitcases weren’t supposed to be there.

Those workers had to know they were on video too.

this is the most comprehensive video i have seen… its longer and includes the priceless reaction from the masked-Karen at the end. vid is 20 minutes ish

OK, so here’s the debooooonking of the video:

  1. No one said the counting was done for the day, rather the cutting was done for the day (cutting open of envelopes). This was misinterpreted by the watchers.

  2. The suitcases are actually the official ballot holding containers, once they’ve been removed from envelopes.

Check confirmation bias :thinking:

Man people were getting ready to go lynching over that video just a couple hours ago…

They still are. Same thing happened to the Covington kids, “fine people” and dare I say it, Derek Chauvin.

All these internet outrages need at least 48 hours for more information / full context to come out. But even then the damage is done.

Honestly if anything comes from 2020, it’s the need for the internet to go away for a solid year.

The internet is gay

Edit: fake and gay

the video was removed but here is another version of it, even longer:

Social media and MSM racing to provide up to the second updates for people with attention spans of 1.1 seconds needs to go away.

Access to the information* from anywhere on earth is awesome.

  • must be fact checked to be at least 72 hours old.

Trump Campaign Files Election Contest in Georgia

That I can definitely get down with!

I hear PA is moving to the Supreme Court? This is the best real chance he has IMO. It’s a simple argument that anyone can understand.

GA signature verification is going to be interesting.

And as far as I know, NV depends on a mix things.

It’s all getting real close to put up or shut up time.