The UB student that was shot recently...

white people get in arguments at bars too

How often do they end with shootings in the street though?

Based on the information I have received about this kid, and the details on what happened, my inference is that this kid did the wrong thing to the wrong person, and in the end got his.

If it dint happen now, it probably woulda happened (to a different extent) within a few years.

I could be 100% wrong, but the wind blowing a pinwheel is enough evidence for me to believe wind exists.

Edit: But then again, icy conditions during a plane landing isn’t enough for me to believe it brought a plane down, so what the hell do I know lmao.

Seriously? So if you ever get in a confrontation with someone at a bar and they shoot you dead, that was justified because you unknowingly said the “wrong thing” to the “wrong person?”

Why can’t people just kick someone’s ass like in the good ole days?

What im saying is, either this kid did it too many times and this was the time that someone really dint like what he had to say, or his conflict aversion skills finally got the best of him :wink:

Answer me this, who will most likely get killed/seriously injured first???

Me who hangs out in suburban bars, is a non-confrontational person, will use most all verbal tactics to avoid a physical altercation, and does not hit on a girl who is with a guy,


Me who hangz out on the Chip Strip routinely, slangz dope, has no problem tellin a mofugga whats up, and will mack anything that walks?

A little biased writeup? I hope you understand why I dont really care this guy is dead.

Again, I could be 100% wrong, but im just fine profiling people who earn names for themselves and so are all of you (NOTE:

Haha, word!


I will find a shooting but off hand…

The white kids from UB that beat someone up on Main St and left him in a wheel chair for life? Its been on the news lately…

NYS had some gang beating law enacted back when I was in highschool…you know the first people to get charged with it? some white kids from Williamsville…

All kinds of people do stupid shit…

I also forgot white kids get in arguments and go into schools and shoot up everyone…

What about the white biker gangs? :lol:

Don’t even bother arguing with him, LZ.



while i of all people appreciate your argument your just pissin in to the wind.

Toughguys, Frat Boyz, Wiggerz and Long Islanders are no exception to my discrimination.

I get your point, but lets consider percentages here. Which happens more?

The sad part is, you’re more likely to hear the stories that involved suburban white kids, than you are involving a minority, meaning, how many kids get mowed down in the hood that you dont hear about?

Edit: and by the way, this is not a racially fueled argument… its a stereotype fueled argument. Im basing my opinions on what I know about the guy. The color of his skin couldn’t mean less.

17 so far this year in Buffalo…

You’re point?

You don’t know shit…You’re hearing it from some 3rd party who wants to feel involved in the situation so he is running his mouth to you…

Everything you listed the was supposedly involved in is no reason to get shot in the middle of the street.

Who are you to judge anyone? You know nothing about how that person grew up or how he actually lived his life?

I’m glad you have your opinion but you really need to get out and see the world…

And that could be…

But you also heard I put my car into a curb a bunch of years back and then dint like how I posted on a forum, and that fueled your hate for me…

How is this any different?

Or do you just love playing devils advocate more than you’d like to admit?

Yea and had you died…I wouldn’t have been saying good he deserved it…

Mommy and Daddy bought you a car…You suck at life and crashed…You didn’t get hurt…Hence why it’s funny…

Oh and FYI I thought you were a dumb fuck before you even posted on NYSpeed/UBRF whatever…I know a lot people you do…

Well… I guess my rebuttal here proves your point… but obviously you know so little about anything about me (or that situation), that your argument is void. But that wont change what you think about me so why the hell are you trying to tell me my outlook on this is wrong?

and a classic example why moretard4u should sit on his hands instead of voice his opinion

Btw… i have just cought you in like 3 hypocritical arguments here…

IB4 ILC opens his mouth too btw :wink:


EDIT2: Where the eff is Joe on this one???

You didn’t crash the car?

You paid for the car all by your self?

Stop me when im wrong…

Those are facts…Not me making assumptions about the kind of person you are based off ONE other persons comments…

The main issue here is that you insert your opinion on someone/something when you have absolutely no expertise, or experience with the surrounding area or the people in it.

yes typically the white crowd does not wield guns, but believe me there are white people that do have guns (talking about for gang or drug type reasons). It just doesn’t get as much recognition as Blacks with guns. The media is racist also

Oh I forgot you are my nextdoor nighbor/big brother/lawyer and know everything about me… or you get details from unreliable sources who love to play up a story

I never said they were untrue, but your outlook on me involves a inaccurate story making your argument here valid… WE ALL MAKE JUDGMENTS ON PEOPLE BASED ON BIAS’S, WORD OF MOUTH AND THINGS THAT ARE SOMETIMES PARTIALLY TRUE.

My parents paid for like around a 1/3 of my car and yes I did put it into a curb doing some damage. This is probably quite different from what you know to be true (being that I have heard every rumor about that situation before).

All I know about you is that you’re a cocky ginger ethugg who drove shitty automatic one demensional car, and gets really good tickets to anything at HSBC Arena… and guess what, thats how I view you. So who is wrong here?

You’re missing the big point dumb fuck…You’re trying to tear down my argument picking on side comments…

My issue was the you get what you deserve attitude…and you being a peice of shit because of it.

No on deserves to get shot in the street.

Like I said had you crashed and died…I would never said he had it coming for racing…

That was my entire point…

The hearing shit from a 3rd party is 1% of this entire argument…