The walking dead.

They need to go back to Atlanta and get that Abrams.

theyd have a hard time keeping an abrams refueled

Very true and the noise alone would draw every walker within miles but the fun you could have.

They need a damn helicopter. Fly the fuck to france to see if the french CDC is down as well.

QUICK! To the Hindenpeter!!!

LOL. They need to get out of the damn farm and keep the show moving as it’s getting stagnant, I think the walkers in the barn are going to take care of that though. My favorite part of them being on Hershel’s farm was them pulling the zombie out of the well. lol

i wonder if the walkers in the barn are nearby farmers and friends/ relatives. the owner of the farm said something about how the human race will survive and this is just natures way of population thinning. so if he believes there is a cure, why not try to save the people he cares about. also i wonder if sophia is gonna be found alive, and if whats her dick keeps the baby

We’ll find out tonight! Hope the show picks up.

i know right…either they find the little shit tonite or they dont n move the fuck on…and throw the dumb blonde in the barn n let the walkers have lunch

Haha thats hillarious.

This show is so aggrivating. I hate the stupid shit they do like going into that devolopement and stiring all sorts of shit up. Dumb fucking assholes.

Shane needs to shoot blondy in the leg and leave her to be eaten

Haha. Pretty good episode I was finally able to see on demand today. A little bit more action and some of the shit that’s been going on is finally out in the open.

Yes it was a good episode.

Question if it was you, would you have the baby?

no. Survival of the fittest and the baby is way to big a drain on everyone.

I love the ending with Rick just being a straight up MAN. " Yeah I know you dumb fuck. how stupid do you think I am"

I would my biggest thing would be the attention the baby would bring from walkers if it cried, hershal needs to to die. What a piece of shit.

Its so stressfull. I really like at points have a difficult time watching it because the stress and anxiety it makes me feel. Like going into the area with all the houses. You KNOW whats going to be there. They go in, being as loud as possible and what happens? Find nothing and attract a horde of fucking zombies. for no fucking reason. You didnt find anything you needed and looked through one house and almost got eaten. Shanes stupidness with exploring is going to do him in. Like going to the school with well over 100 zombies around. I know they had to go there but when he busted out of the medicine holder container like a boner in sweat pants without even cracking the door and looking, its like hes trying to get killed. I know its a tv show but jesus christ it irks me with the stupidity. Oh, wah, im sad i need to be different and go live my life on my own wah. No, mother fucker you dont. You will die alone stupid ass.

Fully agree with you. These people are honestly the dumbest fucks on the planet. I do have to admit I would go exploring myself though. Its like you have the entire world to yourself so much cool stuff to find and do just don’t be so loud and stupid about it. Stealth BRO

Exactly. Id be into exploring as well but within reason. Id find a fucking tank of a truck and make sure no one could get in it. Weld metal mesh into the windows etc. Get swarmed? Lock the doors and let the lols ensue. Id be doing a lot of exploring on quads. Stock pipes are quiet. Theyre limber and easy to get in and out of tight spots. I do admitt id probably at a point pull a glenn and steal a challenger and go bonkers.

one of my fav. parts…him stealing the challenger n going nuts…absolutely…no popo around = do dumb shit quietly

would look for snowmobiles for shure…jkjk