The walking dead.

I agree. Where the heck is the military anyway? Granted it’s a fucked up situation but once you know what you’re dealing with it’s pretty much target practice. Hell you don’t even need any ammo with an APC or tank.

just finshed first season on DVD lol, and i have 5 episodes from the new season saved to the dvr box lol

They showed them Napalming the city as a flash black in the begining of the episode and taking everything out. The CDC in Atlantas now gone. All the military there were dead…kinda. I guess they work their way towards Ft benning from what ive read. They also in the comics eventually take over a prison which i hope they use that in the series eventually. Seems like a brilliant idea. My favorite part up to this point is when they kick the doors in on the church and the walkers wake up and turn around and look at them. Was awesome. It looks like they also dont die. When nothings going on theyre either walking around alone for days or go into that like sleep mode i guess you could say.

Lol high five yes :lol

The walkers can die on their own but it take literally for ever. After a while with no nutrition and weather and such they break down but its nothing like starving a person.

I don’t think they are going to follow the comic to closely later on because it wont make for good tv. Also the first season was so action packed and awseome because it was originally only planned to be a mini-series. Its pilot did so well that they agreed to now 3 season and can now work on character development which I think they have done an absolute shit load of this season

^^ I haven’t watched last night episode yet, but the past few of this season have don exactly what you said, and brought out emotions of the characters. Especially episode form two sundays ago.

They are creating Rick and Shane to be the monsters of this entire series. Right now Rick is a pussy compared to what he will be by the end and we have all seen what shane is capable of already. I’m still thrown off by how obvious they make deal the hero that your want to hate to love but you love anyway.

This guy should be a dbag and we make you think he is but we are going to make him do everything a perfect angel would just to make you choke

I’m really curious as to how they are going to develop Shanes charater. In the comic book he would of been dead and gone already!

They keep threatening that he is going to branch off and leave so god knows

I dont disagree with any of shane’s decisions as of yet.

Once he finds out about that baby who wouldn’t lol.

meh I think they will build the whole baby thing up and up and then it will be ricks anyway. That or something is going to happen and she’ll miscarry and we’ll never know

That’s what I was thinking too. Either way the relationship between Rick and Shane will continue to be strained as they’re both the alpha males of the group.

fuck that Daryl is the alpha male. Rick and shane are just the fucking princesses of the group

HAHAHA Dale did get some sweet farmers daughter ass.

You’re thinking about glenn. I was thinking about daryl lol

Dale is the old man. He tends to have a lot to say to everyone about what to do and not to do

But really in all seriousness Rick and Shane are bitches. The true asset they have lately atleast since mid last season is Daryl. Even though he doesn’t lead there have been numerous situations where without him they are all fucked

LOL too many people to remember some of them need to get eaten. Daryl definitely is the most expereinced woodsman but he’s a bit of a loner and hallucinating about his brother reminded him of that fact.

if you fell down a mountain twice and landed on an arrow you would hallucinate too.

What a day thrown from horse, fall down mountain land on arrow, climb up mountain, fall back down mountain, split head open, wake up being eaten by zombie, kill zombie x2, climb back up mountain, get shot in the head. not a single fuck given

Daryl is the mans man for sure. Shit is just getting weird. With all the zombies in the barn. Was so weird. So many useless people in the series too. The blonde bitch needs to get eaten, the black guys always complaining and bitching, at least the older lady does laundry and cooks. Looks like they go into another town next week, showed a clip of shane looking down a street with bunch of houses and stuff. I wonder if they ever run into the guy and his kod that saved shane in the first 2 episodes. I heard in the comics hes like one of the main people.

In the comic they do meet back up with him but it’s way later on.