The walking dead.

Last nights episode was one of the best.

Just started the third graphic novel. That show is entertaining but the storyline in the books is so much better.

Last nights episode was awesome. Rick seemed really concerned with seeing those two security guard walkers that didnt appear to have any bites on them but still had caught the virus. I though when they were driving and shane was looking out the window and the one walking througj the field all alone was super creepy. My girl and i were both wondering the same thing about the cold and what rick was saying about maybe they’ll freeze or at least slow down in it. If they dont die from lack of food i doubt the cold will stop them.

Its fucking retarded that the girl thats been comatose for days didnt turn zombie. She had all the symptoms.

yeah what was with her? i figured she had some existing medical condition that was explained in an earlier episode i must have missed, thats not the case? it was never explained while she was comatose?

She got like that after her zombie mother came out of the barn and tried to eat her.

zombie mom scratched her i thought. then she had all the symptoms (coma, high fever, etc…) so i figured she was turning

I figured she got a scratch too but her stress level just made her catatonic.

Id be not cutting my hands ass and dick up every chance i could thats for sure. I feel like theyre getting to careless with the cutting, the going out with small knives and one clip of ammo in a hand gun to unknown area. Id be building a fucking armored truck or something. The rural area seems to be working out well as nothings really hit the farm. Yet.

Thing is with that is end of last episode they were driving back to the farm and there was a walker walking in a field in the direction they were driving. I think sooner or later the walkers are going to find the farm with all the smells of people and noise coming from there.

If it were me I’d heading for North or South Carolina, maybe Georgia or a state that has temperate climate and finding the biggest deepest lake with the biggest Island I could find. I would build my own plantation on that island with some chickens maybe a few cows and pigs, a decent sized garden and a log cabin. Would be 100% safe and only leave the island every now and then. Hell if you could plan ahead enough Lake George has some nice islands that already have houses on them or at that point destroy the bridge to the Sagamore and ball out of control. But survival would get hard every winter


BUT, we also need to remember if they did that there would be no tv show. lol

If you seen the previews and stuff before the second half of the season started again they showed zombies breaking through the wooden fences.

Read the graphic novels. They are epic.

General Question Do you think they will run into that guy and his son? The dark fellow from the first episode when rick just got out of the hospital.

yes and they will be zombies

I like how they split the season this year. Instead of 12 episodes then you wait 9 months again. Make next season come quick.


I found it hard to feel sorry for Dale for a couple of reasons:

  1. He was such a whiney little bitch the whole episode.

  2. If he couldn’t push a rotting, 70lb skeleton of a walker off of himself then he got what he deserves.

Gotta agree.

Was just having the same convorsation with my girl about that. They appear to be nothing but 80lbs and they can rip stomachs open? Confused. Pretty good episode, after beating that kids ads hes gonna bring the others back for sure if he finds them. Also the smell of fresh blood bringing zombies around.