The Warzone: The Parking Lot

Here is another way to waste a good, 15-30 minutes, on parking education.

This is a good way to educate yourself, especially when you have a car that is just detailed, and you want to prevent the painful door-dingers, and the infamous people with big butts, that they don’t physically have.

There’s a reason why I’m always parked the way I park… :wink: (Bastards better not start taking my spots, on the opposite side of the lot.)

i try to avoid parking beside vans…cuz typically…theyre accomadating careless clumsy children…same with SUVs and trucks…they all have large doors that are heavy and ppl will push hard on them which will swing them out far…i avoid old banged up cars cuz…well they dun give a s**t wat their car looks like…so why shud they about urs…and even wen u park where theres no cars…u come back…and theres like a pack of cars around urs…but then again not all my theories prove to work…cuz bastards keep dinging my driver side door up …its such a piss off…gggggrrrrrr

i seen ppl hwo park like tha and ppl who try pakrin beside them get pissed off cuz they cant park and kick their car

ppl seriously get pissed cuz they cant???


My friend’s car got key’ed that way too

yeah lol. DAVIIIDDDDDD. hi. lol can i sit in ur car again :slight_smile:

wow…ppl r seriously messed in the head…wat is it…cuz they cant have sumthing nice they have to go and mess around with other ppls things that are…that makes me really angry that ppl are just that sad

I should write a manual on parking cars
So far it hasn’t done me wrong Knock on Wood

What I do the most is I drive around to look for the spot where it’s blocked by a wall on at least one side. Then I park as close to the wall as possible so no one can get beside it and do anything like take my rims etc. I proceed to look at the car beside the spot that I want to park. If the drivers door is facing me then I usually move towards the next spot (Most of the time the drivers door has to be opened to drive the car). If the passenger door is facing I’m usually ok with it but if it’s too close to my spot then I drive to the next spot. Then I look at the quality of the car. Old/New, Dings/nice paint etc. If it’s a nice car with clean undinged paint then they usually don’t want to get it messed up on someone elses car, so that usually means I can park there. I have the same courtesy for them as they probably would for me. Finally if everything looks good and I can park there I judge how far open the other cars door swings at maximum throw. If it can touch my car I usually don’t park there.

All this and it usually takes me a couple seconds to decide. I’ve gotten pretty good at it but most of the time I’ll still just end up parking all the way at the back of the lot where there are no other cars surrounding. I don’t park like what the guy in the Miata did. That’s wrong. He’s likely to get a ticket and some other smart ass with a small car wil try to wedge in between the van and the Miata thinking he’s got a good spot.

the best thing you could ever do… get a rusty POS beater. i love my 88 caravan. oh is that a shopping cart in your parking spot? BANG! not anymore! there’s nothing like getting out of ur car without locking it and walking away without caring. and at night, when everyone is gone, u can play shopping cart tag, just pushing them around with your car and accelerating them into curbs. the fastest i ever got a shopping cart to go was about 80. r u afraid of the cart falls and goes under the car? dont be, the car is garbage. if i came out of the store and my van was on fire, i would probably start laughing.

owning a nice car with fresh paint is nice, but owning a beater is so much more fun.


Or did mikey turn gay? LOL

once again , u top out the randomness meter.

… biggest “un-coordinated eyes” kid that I know…

I’m surprised that the paint on your ride is so nice… If I were handicapped, and saw your 350z parking in my designated handicapped spot, in the coldest of winter nights, I’d sure take a nice ‘look and FEEL’ on your car with my baller-dubbed-out-chair.


lol thats jokes id just pick that car up with a bunch of my boys and put it on the grass LMAO!