The worst day of my life is today...

:word: Listen to this man… he knows all too well.

sorry to hear that man, i went through it in april, it really does suck, we got backtogether but only after alot of work in the relationship, i know the feeling tho, and i dont with it on anybody


nice work.

i’ve gotta meet You one of these days

Take his word for it… he’s seen much worse.

go fuck a slut in the ass

thats what i would do

since everyone already comforted you…

take back the ring, sell it, and buy something sweet for yourself. This is the only time buying a nice ring has its benefits, cause you can sell it for more than if you had cheaped out.

Your leagally the owner of the ring after a breakup, if she isn’t willing, or already pawned it… you can sue.

dude im sure it was already said before but:

  1. if she told you it was over this morning she has been obviously dealing with it awhile. you should have recognized that something was the matter. i cant imagine someone being totally oblivious to the welfare of their relationship.

  2. always remember worse things have happened to better people. you are allowed to be upset about your situation but remember the aforementioned phrase

  3. unless she is gonna be slutting it up DT ( if she was old enough haha ) you’ll still get breakup sex for awhile. after i ended a 4 year relationship, there was ex sex for over a year afterwards. i was a cold hearted dick, and she was probably only doing it to try and get me back, but w/e. if you need to get a nut off and grab a breast or two you’ll still have that opportunity

  4. you losing your friends b/c of a relationship is your own fault, so dont be pissed if your friends dont take you back right away, just because you need them to pat your back

  5. get active

dude…it does suck…like everyone says…it’s gonna feel like there is noone else out there for you. I was scared that i wouldn’t find anybody, but someone came along and it made me forget about all the bad things that happened in the past, because all that mattered was the present, and honestly, it’s one of the best things that has happened to me…

so keep in there. IF it is meant to be, then she will come back and things will work out, but if not…hang in there…take time, and the right person will come along when you least expect it

I would avoid this, even if you REALLY REALLY want it… its just going to fuck with your head…

If you gave it to her on a birthday or holiday it is hers to keep, if it was any other day it is yours…

i know it’s hard. about 8 months ago me and my gf of 4 years broke up. it was hard at first. i was real depressed. drugs/drinking was cool and helped for awhile, but they are all right, it doesn’t fix the problem. talking to the right friends helps, but only if they are smart enough to help you realize how to get over it. dwelling on it is a waste of time. gets you nowhere fast. get out now. seriously, stop reading and go outside and do something. go to a bar with your boys. if you don’t have friends anymore (which is easy when you are deep in a relationship) you have to make new ones. need one? PM me. i’ve been there. see other people. when me and my gf broke up i was destroyed, but i balled some chicks, dated a couple girls casually, then met an amazing girl who has been nothing but better in every aspect. eventually, you realize the world doesn’t revolve around her and life goes on.

good luck buddy.

bitches aint shit :lol:

yea baldy does seem like he wouldnt be able to handle it

so i append my response

dont bang her

let one of your old friends bang her so you can feel worse about yourself

you sound like a good guy that will buy beers for people in need

come out tonight

it’s even worse when thats the reason that you broke up… yeah… :eek:

What’s her number? Is she hot?


But only a fool would do that.

Dec 12 4 L

why dont you go kick him in the nuts too…BAN

i do what i can. where you guys going?

haha. matt, who are you? me?

haha clean baldy isnt my friend, i just know he used hax in CS and used to heel/toe his automatic. and got tickets for trying to burn out or something in front of a cop at pizza hut


i think she was under 18 :tup:

I’m sure we all have been through the same thing. From the look of it, most have.

Don’t beat yourself up about it though. When I went through this I did everything wrong. I called her, I tried to work things out, I moped around, I drank, I ate nothing (dropped 10 lbs in about 2 weeks, not needed).

I got over it by going out with my friends and just having fun. I know you probably don’t feel like having fun with people because you have that nagging thing in the back of your head saying, “This reminds me of…”
Try to forget it and just enjoy yourself.

Its weird, when you are in a relationship for so long you become consumed with doing things that are mutually beneficial. Once that goes away all you are left with is yourself to make happy which is much easier. Concentrate on that.

Newman…its nice to see that you are indeed human.

This is strange all these relationships breaking up lately. A girl at my work just broke up with her fiance, I heard about it today actually…