The worst day of my life is today...

Find a Slut - PIITB

dude, here’s how it goes:

  1. don’t tell your family she dumped you. tell them she died in a car accident. (NP: The Vandals - My Girlfriend’s Dead)

  2. Finish crying. You gotta get that out of your system. I’m not saying don’t cry. I’m saying finish it.

  3. go to a nudie bar to get your spirits up again.

  4. go to regular bars and chat with some women to get your confidence back up.

  5. start dating again.

  6. don’t get engaged to the first girl you date either.

edit: get blown by a stripper at a nudie bar.

okay. now try and meet respectable chicks and take them out and hopefully end up getting some sort of action.

now you realize that one way or another its gonna cost something for ass since you are back in the game

decide which is better, but realize both are options

dude…you’re a fucking asshat…

seriously…die in a fire


:rofl: This is the perfect response :tup:. People need to lighten up. It’s not like anyone died here. People break up every day. This is the best thing about forums/the internet in general. I can type mean rude comments and feel emotionally disconnected about it. Of course I would probably not say this in real life. I would probably offer words of encouragement, but alas this is the internet and I don’t know the person affected by this.

:hay: someone had to step up and be a dick in this thread.

:lol:…you ass… :shoot:

none the less…i’m sure he still isn’t gonna be pumped to see something like that

That says everything that anyone needs to know about You.

how could he read the forum anyways when tears are clouding his vision :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe thats why he hasnt responded yet

^^^…ouch…adam with the low blow…DING!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Write a song about her? then get rich and famous. You’ll have lots of famous sluts that TIITB

catalyst is actually probably one of the best dudes i have ever met.

^ that says alot^ lol. if you are down for a party PM me.

Thats because for me to know about this story outside of the internet I would have to personally know Clean Baldy. So if I knew the guy I don’t think I would rag on him for at least a week.


I will be doing the guy a favor then by getting his mind off the girl and on the anger he has for my online persona.

sorry to hear, jeff - just keep yourself busy, don’t mope around too much. met a lot of cool people on the board when i had a breakup last winter, there’s a lot of cool people right here to hang out with to fill that void - and make some good friendships in the process :slight_smile:

will it be country, punk or emo? lol

Dude, that really sucks sorry to hear that. But as far as advice, ZeroDaze definatly said it best. No point in dwelling, it will just make it worse.

Sorry to hear that man

Zeros got some very good advice