Again? Seriously?
I’m religious. Not a religious nut.
A religious nut is the Phelps family, who I think will burn in Hell. I don’t stand outside funerals picketing.
You people need to stop acting like you think you know me (as Nicole said about herself a few posts above). You don’t. And probably never will. All you know is that I’m Christian and a virgin, yet you fools make it sound like I’m lesser of a human/man than you because of those two choices. Get that crap out of here. Like I said in another thread, some of us are raised with different values/morals. If mine don’t work for you, fine. That’s your choice. I don’t push my religion down on you (I’ll debate it with you, but I won’t sit here telling you to go to church or pestering you into doing something you don’t want to do). Your choices are your choices. Mine are mine. If anyone knows anything about me at all, it would be Nicole as I have talked to her on a couple of occasions and actually had a discussion. And I’m sure from talking to me, she can vouch that I’m a normal guy just like any of you in here.
So please, get off your pedestals of “I’m better than you because I’m not as gullible as you to believe there is a God” and go do something more valuable with your time. Stop attacking religion/Christianity because it doesn’t conform with your beliefs…or should I say lack of beliefs.
I don’t use religion as a crutch as some of you have eluded. I’m not down in the dumps and using religion to ‘pick myself up’. It’s actually quite on the contrary. I’ve been quite blessed in life. Got a great job before I even finished my first year of college, healthy (except for some arthritis in the back), have a great/large family (no divorce or step parents or drug abusers or alcoholics, etc. in it), etc. etc. I have nothing to be down about. So for you to say that people who are religious are people who need ‘moral support’ or ‘help them through the days till they die’ is just ludicrous. People who drink their days away, smoke their days away, are more likely the people who are ‘down in the dumps’ and ‘trying to get away from it all’ by indulging in such actions. They say it’s for ‘fun’…but how many of those people actually do it ‘just for fun’? That’s another argument/debate in and of itself. Some of them may actually enjoy getting blasted, but I’m sure many (not just some) do it to ‘get away’.
You will not understand the Bible and it’s meaning until you actually try to immerse yourself in it and figure it out. For those of you who aren’t christian, THAT is why it’s ‘just a book’ and ‘a bunch of stories’. I’m sure if you sat down with a small prayer and said, “Okay…let me read this Bible and if this stuff is indeed true, please let me understand it and accept it/open up to it” you might have more success or maybe will have a realization of some sort. Am I calling you to do that? No. That’s up to you. Do you have to? Nope. Does it sound gay to you? Probably, because again, you don’t understand what it is or why it’s there. To you it’s just paper with ink on it.
It’s your choice. You will answer for your choices just like I will. I’m by no means holy.
Have a great weekend.