There is no God - Que?

Haha do you know how many times you contradicted yourself in this post?

The biggest one I will point out is that you say America leads the world in all this bad shit, and yet according to the last census more than 89% of the country claimed to believe in God or some form of higher being. So 90% of the country is religious in one way or another and we have the highest crime rates, etc, so you claim. See where i’m going with this?

And I am so sick of this bullshit argument that religous people use that non-religous people are immoral. I know non-religous people who have done 80x more good in this world than so called beleivers, and that accounts for most of you guys.

Religion or not, there is going to be good and bad. You used NYC as an example and I will agree that many people are not as nice there, or have a offstandinsh attitude. Let me also say that in LI which is what i’m familiar with, most people there are jewish or italian and almost ALL of them go to service of somekind.

I respected you before because you were not judgemental, but now you have lost it. You perceive the world like every other hypocritical numbnut and percieve non-religous as being immoral and less than you. Let me tell you that moral and being good/bad has NOTHING to do with religion. I am not speaking from the heart like you, I am using facts. If 90% of the people in the country are religous, guess where 90% of the crime comes from? EVERYONE breaks the law. So good for you, you lost your own battle.