There is no God - Que?


^ Burn him and Stg2SSC at the stake for crimes against humanity immediately if not sooner.

Why are we burning Wayne?

He’s referring to me. Wayne beat him to the post.

That’s the kind of BS I’m talking about. Dude doesn’t even know me or Stg (I don’t know him either) and is spewing hate like that. I feel bad for you man. You’re one messed up individual if you actually said that with any sort of seriousness.

Really sad the hateful state some people are in. :facepalm

Also, might I add. Many of you are way out in left field as far as what church, etc. is about. Why don’t you stop listening to what others say about church and actually try to experience it and understand it?

How can you knock something you haven’t fully grasped? I do that a lot myself, but I try not to. Half of you just say stupid crap without knowing what you are talking about when it comes to why someone is christian or what church is about. I for example have had some experiences that make me believe there is a God or confirms that there is a God or backs up the way I was raised. That’s my personal choice. No need to hate me for it. There are many religions out there that people have altered to fit their needs/opinion (some in a good way, some in a bad way). You can’t judge all churches by one church or one group of people. For example, when people think of church, they usually think of the pastor touching ones forehead and that person falling down. If someone did that at my church, the ushers would remove him on the spot. Simple as that. At my church, there is a couple of sermons, some hymns are sung. Some people sing a solo or play something. We pray. We go home. That’s it.

Yes, I was serious. I want to nail you to a stake, pour gasoline over your head, and set you on fire. I’m sadistic and want to hear you scream as your last breaths are spent screaming in agony. Excited? I am.

Really though, I grew up going to church (my grandparents were extremely religious, my fathers parents were strict Irish-Catholic) and did not get anything out of it. There was no enlightenment. No greater good to come of it. It was a bunch of people feeling sorry for themselves, searching for meaning in their pathetic lives, coming together to try to lift one another up. There’s another place for people like that. It’s called self-help groups. Or psychotherapy. I’m all for helping thy neighbor and everything, but shouldn’t feel I have to worship and live life according to A, B, C or be sentenced to life in hell. Please. I don’t hate people that goto church or think badly of them in any way, they’re intitled to live their life in the way they best see fit. What I do not like is when people talk about how those who chose to not do so don’t ‘grap’ the concept, or haven’t ‘opened their heart to god’. What the fuck? Just because I choose to live my life differently I’m closed minded and don’t understand how I should be living and fulfilling my life? How does that make any sense? Those who speak in such a way are the ones who need to broaden their state of mind and realize that EVERYONE is entitled to live life in accordance to their own beliefs and desires. The end.

Haha do you know how many times you contradicted yourself in this post?

The biggest one I will point out is that you say America leads the world in all this bad shit, and yet according to the last census more than 89% of the country claimed to believe in God or some form of higher being. So 90% of the country is religious in one way or another and we have the highest crime rates, etc, so you claim. See where i’m going with this?

And I am so sick of this bullshit argument that religous people use that non-religous people are immoral. I know non-religous people who have done 80x more good in this world than so called beleivers, and that accounts for most of you guys.

Religion or not, there is going to be good and bad. You used NYC as an example and I will agree that many people are not as nice there, or have a offstandinsh attitude. Let me also say that in LI which is what i’m familiar with, most people there are jewish or italian and almost ALL of them go to service of somekind.

I respected you before because you were not judgemental, but now you have lost it. You perceive the world like every other hypocritical numbnut and percieve non-religous as being immoral and less than you. Let me tell you that moral and being good/bad has NOTHING to do with religion. I am not speaking from the heart like you, I am using facts. If 90% of the people in the country are religous, guess where 90% of the crime comes from? EVERYONE breaks the law. So good for you, you lost your own battle.

Or…you can stop judging every christian by your “Irish-Catholic” point of view. Why not go visit a baptist church? Or a Pentecostal church? You have one view based upon one church you went to. Wow. You’ve really seen a whole lot.

I thought we were telling ghost stories?


I knew it would that would bend some boners

Anyway. You all have a great time enjoy this discussion. Benny’s post just stood out to me. Have a great rest of the day.

PS: I was raised methodist, all that shit is whack. Christianity as a whole is not even about faith anymore. It’s a business.

ALL religions have one common factor. GOD. Never in my life or anyone in this world has someone spoken to, seen, heard, or had direct contact with this so called god. No-one. You can claim events, or even people that say they have seen god, but it’s all BS without hard evidence. Every event claimed as a miracle, has a scientific way of being explained if it dosen’t, that does NOT mean it is a miracle. Most people have a hard time coping with something if it does not make sense. When something happens in this world that cannot be expained we automatically associate it with religion which is BS. A thousand years ago we thought the world was flat. Science has a LONG way to go, but every thing that science has proven can’t be refuted. Everything, every single thing that religion says, can be.

I just don’t understand how you can put so much of your life into a book of STORIES that have been re-written/re-told an uncountable amount of times by an uncountable amount of people, about people that you have no proof even existed!


They told me Pluto was a planet. Liars. It’s still a planet to me. :cry:

Science is a “religion”.

Actually I don’t side with science either. I have no way of verifying that there’s a solar system outside of ours. I guess you can say that i believe in a higher being or beings, but I don’t buy all the bullshit stories/moral lessons. fuck offff

Yes I do. I went to a baptist church and then a catholic church for 22 years of my life and during those 22 years I was devout. I understand the concept VERY well and have seen a lot. I have read the bible and studied the history of christianity.

I made my choice to move on recently and since then, the world has opened up and things make a LOT more sense.

Blahtyblahfuckinblah. Where are my ghost stories!?

I have a great ghost story.

One day, a man came to earth through his mother who never had sex in her life. He walked around for a few years, telling people his philisophical thoughts, then he was killed. But he didn’t die, oh no. His ghost friends came and stole him from his grave and he came back to life. Then, he lifted up into the universe on a white cloud of emotion.

You didn’t make that up. - rep for being unoriginal. :tongue